A looooong night
Last night "my" skischool had a ball. A charity ball, for needing people. It was fun. It was a lot of work; I waitered, Julia sold tickets, Niki was taxidriver, Emil had a lot to drink - all for the needing people. The music was really good - a local band from Reutte. Five grown up men and and a singing, somewhat younger, lady.
It was a very special evening; Emil and I danced (together) for the first time since our wedding, almost 24 years ago! One is sure - I didn't marry Emil because he was a good dancer (an Emil not me because I'm a good cook!. Must be love....) And for sure, Emils dancingarts have improved. Maybe not enough to be married for, but still :-)))) Anyhow, we all didn't get into our beds until around 5 o'clock in the morning and then up again at 7. Wasn't hardly worth going to bed. ZZZZzzzzzz...... Emil went to work at 8, I went out with the dog, then into bed again ( after a good breakfast, of course), for another hour, and at 10 Julia and I went to work at the skischool. Julia 2 hours, me 4h's. Niki had the day off, because he has night duty at the Red Cross, until tomorrow morning. As I got home at 3 pm, I had something to eat and hit the pillow for another hour. And now I'm astonishling (homemade word???) awake. Maybe I'm not THAT old after all....... hmmm... ???? - I think I turn 29 this fall, because Uffe just turned 30 (or was it 35???)

Hektor - he got old. At least for a ram.
PS. It's snowing. That's GOOD!
It was a very special evening; Emil and I danced (together) for the first time since our wedding, almost 24 years ago! One is sure - I didn't marry Emil because he was a good dancer (an Emil not me because I'm a good cook!. Must be love....) And for sure, Emils dancingarts have improved. Maybe not enough to be married for, but still :-)))) Anyhow, we all didn't get into our beds until around 5 o'clock in the morning and then up again at 7. Wasn't hardly worth going to bed. ZZZZzzzzzz...... Emil went to work at 8, I went out with the dog, then into bed again ( after a good breakfast, of course), for another hour, and at 10 Julia and I went to work at the skischool. Julia 2 hours, me 4h's. Niki had the day off, because he has night duty at the Red Cross, until tomorrow morning. As I got home at 3 pm, I had something to eat and hit the pillow for another hour. And now I'm astonishling (homemade word???) awake. Maybe I'm not THAT old after all....... hmmm... ???? - I think I turn 29 this fall, because Uffe just turned 30 (or was it 35???)

Hektor - he got old. At least for a ram.
PS. It's snowing. That's GOOD!
All of us
Here we are, all of us, in Ischgl 11 days ago
as we spent a 36 hours winterholiday with "rodeling", skiing, eating, drinking, talking. And eating. Was fun :-)

A got a new warm jacket for Christmas, matching my skis. Like Marleens skis match her jacket.

Last week, though, was soooo sunny and warm - no need for thick jackets with eiderdown (!) anymore

Only my suntan is not so lucky, but it's impossible to ski work without sunglasses
Maybe I should try som self-tanning lotion.....
Julia and Niki has now finished their guestplay at the skischool, to relax a little bit more for the rest of the month. (Maybe they are afraid to end up like their mother?) And learn. Julia has some tests next week again.
This week is a bit calmer - so I had time to go to some stores. Found some yellow tulips, I couldn't resist. And some pink toiletpaper.......
Emil bought himself a pair of new skating cross country skiskis last, and shoes, and now he enjoys this sport on his days off, together with Niki. His old gear was almost historical. My knee doesn't allow me to skate anymore, and it isnt't Julias sport, so to say, so we spend a little more time with the horses. The little brown one (Norka) got shoes today, after a barehoofed snowseason. We could do with some more snow, by the way - a meter or so. And of course we "climb mountains" on ski in the moonlight. Last sunday all of us went up to a just lovely mountainrestaurant some villages further away. Mmmmmm. Thats my favourite sport :-) And all of us have looooong breakfeasts, and all of us can sit together at the kitchentable and talk and talk and talk, in the evening, when everybody is ready with the work and chores for the day. I LOVE MY FAMILY!

A got a new warm jacket for Christmas, matching my skis. Like Marleens skis match her jacket.

Last week, though, was soooo sunny and warm - no need for thick jackets with eiderdown (!) anymore

Only my suntan is not so lucky, but it's impossible to ski work without sunglasses

Julia and Niki has now finished their guestplay at the skischool, to relax a little bit more for the rest of the month. (Maybe they are afraid to end up like their mother?) And learn. Julia has some tests next week again.
This week is a bit calmer - so I had time to go to some stores. Found some yellow tulips, I couldn't resist. And some pink toiletpaper.......
Emil bought himself a pair of new skating cross country skiskis last, and shoes, and now he enjoys this sport on his days off, together with Niki. His old gear was almost historical. My knee doesn't allow me to skate anymore, and it isnt't Julias sport, so to say, so we spend a little more time with the horses. The little brown one (Norka) got shoes today, after a barehoofed snowseason. We could do with some more snow, by the way - a meter or so. And of course we "climb mountains" on ski in the moonlight. Last sunday all of us went up to a just lovely mountainrestaurant some villages further away. Mmmmmm. Thats my favourite sport :-) And all of us have looooong breakfeasts, and all of us can sit together at the kitchentable and talk and talk and talk, in the evening, when everybody is ready with the work and chores for the day. I LOVE MY FAMILY!