A couple of days ago...

..... I made a row of fotos, on Neunerköpfle. Emils Mountain. Emil and I took Emil senior for a ride in Emils snowrabbit, on Emils winterhikingpath. Please read  "Emils" :-) - guess you know what I mean...  I think it was last Wednesday and a beautiful morning, ca - 10° C. Of course I intended to write the very same evening - but I guess you know me well enough...... :-) But here they are, my pictures from WWW (WinterWonderWorld)
A perfect day! 
Today is sunday the 13th. The snow is still here, but the sun is gone. In the air you can hear and feel the spring coming closer, though.Had Hombre shod on Friday. For me is a horse with shoes, a big step towards spring, after a winter barehoofed.
Yesterday we took part on a funny winterevent in Schattwald. The Alpsterntrophy. A team of four has to snowboard downhill, randonneeski up, the ski downhill ( Emil) and at last a loop of crosscountry (skating) - me.
We were fast, too fast to win, because the average time wins. But fast is funnier.
Niki was home over the weekend, and right now we are waiting for Julia to arrive. She's got two days off - in row. Sensation!!! So alway something going on. Had good friends here from Köln and Chiemsee last weekend. I like that, people coming and going.
Welcome :-)


When a black dog suddenly turns white, it's snowing
When a weasle (hermeline) turns white, it's winter, and supposed to snow
But as the upper picture is from today I guess that hermeline is happy now again. Christmas we had no snow. Then we got some, that then disappeared but THEN we got lots of more and THEN it rained. A lot. Rivers coming down the slopes. Splashmountain!!! Tow days ago or so, but NOW it's snowing like...... like..... hmmmm he.... in winterheaven :-) Hope we may keep it. 
Those weathergods up there dont't seem to care much about rules lately.


I'm catching up! Pictures of today, really today. I'm impressed of myself :-) It has stopped snowing now, but is coooold; 23° C below zero in the morning. That's winter. Great!!! 
Nikis sheep enjoyed the sunshine, but stayed on the porch.
But I'm sure the horses would prefer the weatherconditions we had around Christmas.
The boys were having a great time, playing "wild horse"
I have to finish now, guess Schne'Emil will come home any minute after a 12 hours working day ( added to 4 hours working night) Schne'Emil doesn't give up that easily, as Frau Holle (that fairy snowmaking lady) - we need more snow for the pists!!!!
I hope someone will find this insert and enjoy it. If yes please scroll down for another three, written the last few days.

Another try

Aahh - that looks good now. Julis spotted the little tre, so she was allowed to cut it. Niki was allowed to carry it :-)
This was the result, decorated by Julia and Niki. We would never have found this little tree way up there if we had a white christmas. And we would never have been able to make the most fantastic Christmashike, if we had the snow we have NOW, writing time. (I'll show you tomorrow, when the sky is blue and it has finished snowing)
Ah, wrong picture - this was last winter. But as it says in the headline: Another try!
Heading towards Gappenfeld Alm, where we enjoyed the warm sunny weather. It was nobody around but us - and a gemse (chamoix)
Max zoom.
Julias birthdaycake, very unspectular because we had to transport to Jenbach, along with the gifts, as Julia had to work on her birthday. It's a swedish Mazarinkaka.
Flying dog at Achensee, where we went for a New Years walk - and here is the family of five:
With Pontiac 6!
Tomorrow I'll write under the headline SNOW!
Happy 2016, everybod!!!!

- and again....

This time the right spelling; here are some pictures from our Christmas roundabouts and Julias birthday and in the end you will find five persons on the familypicture - after so many years together it's time for Julias Martin to get official, I think.
The rough "road" to the best Christmastrees.
Got stuck here, writing and dragging pictures - so this insert will hopefully be followed by the next, soooon, with the found of the Christmastree.
So long.

Her I am again :-)

But last time I wrote something was in June. Oj oj oj...... What happened to all that time? Bet I had a lot of fun, because it couldn't have been a lot of work, with my 12 hours week....... Ok, there is some work at home too. But somehow work and fun is quite similar. Ain't I lucky!!!!!
But - lets start with now; 2nd advent
As you can see, everthing is is about the same here in "Schwieden". We had some snow, last week (great for riding!) but now it's green again (mountains white though :-)). Temperatures in the night a bit below zero C, just enough to keep the mud in the horses paddocks frozen. That's good.
Julia and Nike are just fine, they are coming and going. This WE Niki was at home, Julia was here at the beginning of the week. Julia lives in Jenbach, with her boyfriend Martin, and works in a hotelreception (Hotel Cordial) in Achenkirch. Niki lives in Ampfing, works in Waldkraiburg (MD Elektronik), about one hours drive east of Munich. This since September. 
We had a GREAT summer, and it was just impossible to enjoy all those lovely evenings with an afterworkbeer, with a laptop in front of you. I suppose you all understand that! And we enjoyed (even celebrated) every single evening that way, as if it would be the last. At the end, there were a lot of them (and beers), but how were we supposed to know - in an average summer there are only one or two warm summerevenings.
So now I will try to revive this blogg. I doubt I deserve to call this a blogg and even less that I may call myself a blogger - but still I hope, there is at least someone out there reading it. If not, I can't blame you.
That I write today, has a reason: Last week a promised someone to write next week. That's this week, and today is the last day of this week - so, I kept my promise :-)

The barnparty

Looking for that picture with Puma in Pontiacs tail I found the horsebarnparty pictures. That wat fun too. End of May.
We even had life music! That wasn't planned - it just happened. Great!
We change location every year, and this year it was our turn - as you can see.
And about going to Sweden - end of June (not end of July, as I wrote by mistake in the previous insert) (Sorry bout that) we are planning to come. Sweden trips happen on short notice mostly - as this year too. We were not sure (and still aren't quite) how long we can stay, but an hour ago, or so, we plan to leave next monday, June 22, stay a night in Denmark, maybe, or on Sylt and arrive in Sweden Tuesday - or so. First we planned to tent, as we now are more or less homeless, so to say - but,  at secon thought it didn't seem so attractive, Maybe it reains?! 
So I now take a chance and ask: does anybody have a summer house or garden house or anything with roof, floor and walls, where three persons (poor Julia has to stay at home and work) and a DOG might be able to put up their headquarters for a couple of days, week 26., without disturbing anybody?
So - let's see what happens :-)))))


One could also call it "later this spring" (you'd understand if you'd read previous insert!) But in fact is already early summer now. At least it was - until yesterday. Today it's more like autumn again. Typical mondayweather. I made marmelade from frozen berries from last year - to make room for the new berries, coming soon.  And I cut chives - lot of chives. Needs a lot of space in fth freezer too. Emil and I picked it yesterday. Probably the worlds best chives. It grows here, on Rossalpe.
These are hailstones, still laying around in the mountains, from saturday nights storm.
On the way down we found some snow to slide down on.
And then, of course, a abit further down, lots of enzian flowers.
It's really a wonderful part of the world we live in!
Last week I went for a long ride. 3 day, around 80 km. Part of the old salt road, passing through our valley. We, at the most 7 of us, started at Fernstein See at Fernpass. Rode up behind the castle, for those of you who know. This was the most exciting part. High up above the road.
Hombre and the horse in front of us, was the only two who went the hole distance. Good horse! Now he may enjoy the summer with horse friend Lisa - the mare we had here last summer too. She came today. 
Rabbit Albrecht , now incredibly 11 years old (same age as Pontiac), also has his friends staying with us during the summer. Last summer he had two friends, this summer he's got 4! They belong to niece Barbara nextdoor.
Here is Snoopy, the smalles one. That's the guy with the long ears. Next to him is Puma - our new cat (the old one, Pussy, disappeared last fall :-( ) Puma is 8 weeks and sooooo wild. But getting along well with Pontiac, that's important - though Pontiac thinks it an annoying little creature,  running around like mad almost all day long.
Emil and Niki have been busy too - working!!! This is the new horsetrailergarage.
Was looking for a picture, where Puma sleeps in Pontiacs tail - can't find it - so now I'm "demoralized" and don't want to write any more, Today. Except; that we are going to Sweden end of July 

Earlier this spring

we did quite a lot of horsebackriding, Emil and I. We planned a riding holiday in eastern Austria. Emil has to learn to ride now, that he has got his own horse. Still to young to ride, of course, but there are others to learn on. Anyhow, at the end only I and Hombre went (and friends and friends horses). Emil had to stay at home and work - as sp
I was map manager. We rode about 20-30 km everyday, but always returned to the same point; die Nordweide.
Some weeks earlier we rode through the drive-in at Mc Donalds in Reutte. That was fun.
This time Emil had the day off. Here we ride through the old gateway of Reutte.
The riders got burges and Coke, the horses got carrots.
The white one (no - not that one up there) was a very good horse, all the time.  Good boy !!!
Tharr be more


Today I finished my 49th birthdaycake! All of them a different designt. I'm proud of me! Not every cake looked good, not every cake tasted good - but every cake was unique and made with love: "It's amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one cannot do"
This time it was Niki's turn - he got 24 and he wished to get a Prinz-Regenten-Torte. The weather was cold and nasty, perfect for baking.
.... and have a look at the inside! I think this is the cake with the highest density, ever baked. Real heavy, by all meanins. Had to have a whisky afterwards - and a cigar :-)
We also tried out Pontiacs new bicycle chariot this afternoon. He gets 11 this June, is still fit, but it's not good for him to run miles after us biking anymore. In this way we can load him up on the faster parts or if we want to go far, Dog enjoyed :-)
Look at tha nasty snow in the mountains! How are we supposed to be able to pick chives in time for midsummer with a lot of snow on the mountainmeadows??? It's the best chive you can get, up there, behind Pontiacs forehead.
I intend to be back with more tomorrow - about our doings (and not doings) this spring.
c u

Spring II

Yesterday I wrote some nice words about our nice winter came to an end abourt 2 weeks ago. With some pictures. As I pressed Publish - POFFF!!!! - it disappeared. I banged my head against the wall for a while, but it didn't help. So here is another try in shorter: We're just fine. Winter was good, taught ski until April 9 . Done a lot of horsework lately. Go on a riding holiday in Oberösterreich (550 km east of Tannheim) in Friday, for a week. With Hombre, some other horses and friends. Emil works like mad with revision of mountain tram. Niki is trying to get a good job somewhere in the world. Right now he helps a friend building. Julia works as receptionist in a hotel in Achenkirch, close to Jenbach, where she lives with her boyfriend. As it hurts banging the head to the wall, and as it doesn't help I stop writing her, and if this insert disappears too, I'll just take a dring and watch "Welcome to Sweden" in TV.
Partial eclipse

It's spring!!!!



Winter Wonder World
 Right now 
Right here
And the horses right in the middle of all this (cooooold) (brrrrrrr......) white deco

More recent stuff

Last monday, e.g. we smoked a cigar. With good a whisky in the other hand. Main actors were Niki and me. As non-smokers it was quite agreeable :-) The reason for this action was Niki's Masterdegree (which he made last fall) The trigger factor of this action was tha we came cross a wellsorted cigarstore in Kempten, in the afternoon.
Finished! But we still have some whisky..... :-)
PS Pls scroll down for further recent ( yes, in fact!!!) inserts - if you like :-)

A review

As I am so slow and unable to keep my blogg up-to-date I will here serve a review - as so often. But better review than no view at all....
The last day of 2014 we had a lot of snow.
The last day of 2014 was Julias 25th birthday
A happy birthdayride
A happy birthdaycake with blue meth à la Walter Wight. Inside punschcake (noooo - not punch! Punsch! But to be honest it wasn't punsch. It was rum!) And I have to keep training with that choco-deco on white icing....
And - the happy birthdaygirl!
Next day was the Happy-New-Year-Day, with homemade lucky charm marcipan pigs. Breakfasttablemade.

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