A looooong looooon time ago

It was fun, but once is enough. Maybe it had been funnier if we had drunk some of the "Hot Bull", with rum and wodka? I waved my swedish flag, but it didn't help - the one and only swedish hero flew out in the second run. Julia waved her finnish flag, but she had it a lot easier as there were lots of finnish competitors. One of them won.
We had a great place, though.

Now to more recent activities. Ehhhhhmmm......??? At a second thought we do what we have always done, in the recent weeks. I teach ski and clean and ride and cook and wash and...., Julia and Niki study, Emil works. Wednesdy is Tai Chi, Thursday dancing. Sounds almost boring, doesn't it. But yesterday was a special day! I had my first day off, since December 18! By a chance. My private lesson kid didn't want to ski, which it loudly declared in the ski rental shop. The guy there, had never experience something like it, before; screaming and kicking the kid made clear to the parent that it did NOT want to ski. So I had the morning off! And didn't even feel guilty :-) Good kid! So I went for a most wonderful ride in the fresh snow, accompanied by Pontiac. The sun was shining, temperature moderate - just wonderful. Then I had a massage. Luxury for me and my leg :-) And then I went to pick up JuNi in Innsbruck. Two hours earlier then planned, so they didn't have to wait for me. Luxury for my soul :-) Niki has mid term holidays until the 28th of february now, Julia has one more week with lectures and tests.
Emil had (has) his day off today, and in our efforts to keep boredom far away from us, he and Niki went to a Motorcycle Expo. They'll be back soon. Wonder if they bought something......?
My next day off, will be in exactly one week from now. Everybodies day off! Then we go to Ischgl, for our yearly skiday together with Uffe and his big family.

White trees - cold morning.
Pink sky (refering to previous blogg) - bad weather coming up.
So much to alpine meteorology.
Short morning message (SMM)
My snowman has started up his snowmachines again and left very early this morning to bring them off the pist and in new positions, for next night. And as having breakfast alone is not very attractive, I thought I might as well write I little something before I take the dog for a morning walk in the snow and the hoover for a walk on the carpet. Then it's time for skischool until around 2 o'clock and THEN it's time for the highlight of the week: I go to Innsbruck and pick up JuNi :-) One day later as usual, Niki has a test today.
So - everything is very normal. Finally I managed to get rid of Christmas aswell, this week.
Better get going!!!

Last weeks kitchenwindowveiw (KWV)
Sooooo "busy"!

Observer the green heads of me and Ju :-))))))

After going up up and up we have to go down a bit, before we get our beer.

Next saturday there will be no mountainbeer. Julia and Niki and I intend to go to Munich - "Red Bull Crashed Ice". Julias idea. Whose's else?!?! Hope the ice won't melt - it's going to be warm. And wet. Snow only above 2000m! The rest, rain :-(
Luckily we have some indoor activity options aswell. First of all, getting rid of the Christmas decoration. I like to decorate in December, but now we all have enough. Everything at its time!
Other options are Tai Chi (tonight) and DANCING. Tomorrow night. Did I ever tell that Emil and I attend a dancing school?!?! Since November. Although I doubt that Emil will ever learn to dance, I admire his efforts :-))) He thinks the music is disturbing as he tries to sort out his feet and count the steps......... Sigh! Nobody's perfect :-)
Working holidays
....... ,with equal emphasis on both words.
Since last, we have managed Christmas, Julias 21st birthday and New Year. And - lots of cosy hours together on the couch, good food and good drinks with good friends (Claes and Ann-Marie as good example), horserides, nightskiing (up and down, puh!). And of course, work! Julia too, in the skischool, like me. Niki learns and learns and learns..... Our winter is normal - not too much snow and not too cold, sunny days and cloudy days.
It is said, that pictures tell more than words - so here we go:
Emil and Julia brought the Christmastree on ski, from somewhere high up.
The first official Christmasfoto without Oma Agnes.
For Christmas dinner, we had "Weissbier" (Weizen) as main course.
A typical early birthdaymorning, followed by afternoon birthdaycake- and coffe, followed by birthday- and New Years eve fondue followed by poker (as a change for monopoly). Niki got a "poker box" at the annuala Red Cross christmasparty and of course we had to try it out. Was fun :-) New Years night was cold and clear, Julia; Niki and I went up the hill behind the house and watched the fireworks. Emil stayed at home with Pontiac, who gets almost scared to death by all that noise. The next morning, I had to lure him out with a sausage, to do his "business". Still scared, poor dog!
In the evening of the first of January,traditionally, a lot of people, and the four of us, ski down from Neunerköpfle (Emils mountain) in a long row, with torches. Looks spectaculous, from the valley, if it isn't foggy. Like yesterday. But that didn't make it less nice:-) It's alway the same bunch, more of less.
So as you all (????) understand, I had a lot of very important things to do, these day, and so I neglected my blogg. Sorry!
I hope you all make the very best of 2011 and don't waste it on unimportant acts! Good luck, everybody, out there!!!