
Jag skrev just ett jättefint jättelangt inlagg och PUFF!!!!! - allt försvann när jag skulle stoppa in den jättefina bilden. Leck mich am ARSCH!!!!! Glad midsommar pa er allihop där ute, i alla fall! T.

"Father-day" with wellingtion weather

Often "Father's Day" is forgotten. Not so in Schmieden 11 :-) I baked, Julia decorated, Niki was d'accord. Without fathers ther would be no mothers!
Emil and I went for a morningwalk, after breakfast. It has been raining heavily all night long, and we should better have taken our rubber boots. But we managed it in hiking shoes too, balancing on stones and treetrunks.
Lots of flowers around, this time of year. These are going to be sheep food. We fenced them here this afternoon.
This is behind Vilsalpsee, towards the cascade. Today there were even more than one cascade :-) And old avalanges laying around. During the wintermonths it's too dangerous to walk in here - until a couple of weeks ago, actually.
Right now we are watching F1, Emil and I. JuNi are gone to Innsbruck. Their friend Slobodan, from Tannheim aswell, has bought a car so my delivery- and pickup tours to Innsbruck has gotten more seldom. For Nikis part it's the last week at school, Julia still has some excursions and lectures. I seemed to have pushed some button I didn't want to. Wonderung what's gonna come out.....???? T/div>

Following up yesterdays insert

Yesterday I never came to the point (out of my point of view) in my "Lucky Me" insert. How I can claim to be lucky to have a brakedown?! This is why: it could have happened on the autobahn on our way to Sweden, car full loaded with the four of us plus dog, in heavy rain and darkness. I could have stumbeled over slow, incompetent, unfriendly persons. I could have missed my appointment with the osteopath ( hard to get an app. at all...) I could have been given some boring, ugly and small car and could even have been charged for it. Aren't those reasons to consider oneself lucky? And the garage gave us back our car washed inside and out-. And that for free!!! I mean the carwash......
Have a nice weekend, out there, everybody!

Lucky me

In the last insert, I made a mistake and put in two pictures of lamb Lyssander ( called "Creamy" by Julia, which Niki dislikes). Following lamb Fewa (Wolle) was insulted, so here she is - the wooly littlw FeWa. The two guys, next to Niki, got castrated two days ago. At the moment they're not happy at all, poor guys, but maybe (hopefully) they think the situation over when they found out that they don't have to fight each other all day long. After the operation, in our barn, I invited the vet for a whisky ( actually I said " what a pity you don't have a chauffeur today, otherwise I would offer you a whisky) But as he just loves a GOOD whisky and drink and drives, we had two. He is one of the very few persons I would offer a glass of my good Scotch.
Right now I enjoy the evening sun, a glass of white wine and relax after one of these fabolouse catholic holiday when you are supposed to be lazy all day long, Of course we went biking, Emil and I. First mountainbike, then motorbike. Emil and Niki just returned from an evening motorbike tour, Julia sits in an another sunny corner and watches ice hockey. Stanley Cup. Los Angeles Kings are about to win the pokal. Pittsburghs Penguins got kicked out a loooong time ago. The L.A. Kings are Julias substitute favvos.
It's getting cloudy. Today we had summer, tomorrow it's gonna be cold again.
Look! Fresh pictures! Sensation!!!!!! Niki and Emil went to Austrias smallest village, Gramais. Niki is wearing my outfit!
Now I have to tell the story about lucky me; the other day, tuesday one week ago, now, I went to Füssen to pick up a package at Evi's place (our german ebayaddress) As I left, a quarter to 11, the car beeped and blinked as crazy and made me understand something is wrong with the brakes. As it didn't smell and I was able to stop I went on to our VW garage in Füssen, where we alway had the service done. I was in a hurry. I had an appointment at 11.30 in Reutte, another 20 km to go. Osteopathie. Good, interesting thing, by he way! Help! I parked right outside the entrance door, stormed in (with dog) and told them my car has gone crazy and I have to be in Reutte in 35 minutes. Everybody smiled, a guy stormed out with a laptop, connected it with the car and told me I could not continue. Fast, bring the lady a car! A car with room for the dog! A receptionist(girl) dashed off, returned with a brand new ((1100km) Passat with automatic, tip-tronic and and and......... Dog in, off I went and 11.30 sharp I arrived at my osteopath, Sabine Postler, a very nice lady, trying to fix my back & co. She's good:-)
Lucky me :-)

May review

"Our" six deers
Hannibal gets ready for summer
Miss Nixon?
New bike, new pants, old butt.
May 16
May 17. Getting warmer again :-)
Mary (Maresi) had a little lamb. His name is Lyssander.
Welcome June!