More guests
After Ansa, Elisabeth and Nora came cousin Mercy, from Atlanta, and her husband Peter. Mercy and Peter Wright. Mercy is a cousin from Father's side, daughter of his brother Greger. I have never met Mercy before, I only "took over", her, so to say, from Emy's adressbook. I'm glad I did and I'm so glad she and Peter followed my invitation and dropped by, for two nights. Even Uffe came, all the way from Budapest, just to see them. Great!!!!

At the same time, my good friend (a horsy one) Beate, from Mülheim on the Ruhr, happened to be in Tannheim, with a friend of hers, in turn. We had an aperetive on the horsepasture.

And today is the day - why Emil and I went for a motorbike trip, with the motto "not for sissies". Emil carved this heart into a tree, somewhere in France, west of Millau. I think I would find it again......
Before we left
Before we left towards south, on the bikes, we had many nice day aswell, I recall. As I wasn't able to download any pictures in August it wasn't funny to blogg. I'll try to catch up on that today, as it is such a nice rainy day, perfect for indoor activities.
We had some guests, for example Aunt Ansa and cousin Elisabeth, with daughter Nora

Here at the traditional haying pic-nic at Vilsalpsee.Nice and helpful guests, I must say.

We had a real good time together. Aunt Ansa is fit as a fiddle ( but upthere is cousin E in action), ran up and down the mountains like a stonegoat, played games and stayed up talking and laughing until late.

I thinke I will continue with the next guests tomorrow or so. Niki just let me know it's time to skype. He's in Denmark at Southern Denmark University in Sönderborg right now, as I might have written.
Back home!
16 days, 4 768 kilometers, uncountable altimeters and turns, great impressions. 12 nights in tent, 3 in hotel, 1 in youthhostel. Highest temperature 34° C, lowest 3,5° C. Highest point 2.757 m, lowest 0. Two days with some rain, the rest mostly sunny. That's the summary of Emil's and mine motorcycle journey to and through the Pyrénées. And back! Our long planned silverweddingjourney (25 years!) (OMG!!!).

The zeropoint was St.-Jean-de-Luz, France, where we rested for one day. The only day we didn't drive at all, enjoyed a lazy day on the beach instead.

This is a typical Pyrénéean pass; nothing! I love "nothing"!!!!!

Typical campsite. Most of the camping areas were more or less empty.

Typical breakfast: café au lait et croissant. And postcardwriting.

For lunch we mostly had a pic-nic.

In the evening we visited restaurants with local specialties. On a real adventure trip one just HAS to eat half a rabbit! (Andorra)

One morning we went for a hike in a canyon. Congost de Mont-Rebei, Spain.

What luck we didn't pack in our rain suits for nothing :-)
Well, now everything is back to normal and we (at least I) have always started to plan for our golden wedding journey (50years). I think the Transsiberian Railway would be nice. If it still exists........
We're off!
Tomorrow Emil and I will start our silverwedding trip. Towards the Pyrenees. We plan to stay out until the 21st of September. Let's see how far we get.........
When I'm back; I'll try to write some more in my blogg.
Have a good time out there.
See ya!

Ha, ha - it works again. At last!! Look - me and my brother RAGNAR.
Thank's for coming, Ragnar.