More spring!

Spring - at last!
It seems..... At least it's raining, instead of snowing, since yesterday. The front lawn is still to 75% with snow. A thick cover, but if we get the promised sun and higher temperatures you can get get your wellingtons out of the cupboard, in Budapest :-)
Skiteaching season ended last sunday. At last! This week I work(ed) 4 afternoons in Wally's Gwand. Coming week I'll attend a beebreeder/honeyproducer seminar in Imst. 0800h - 1700h monday to friday. I had myself tested for beesting allergy last monday. Negative. That's positive! All I know about bees, so far, is that they are striped. And make honey. Yummie. I'm sure it's gonna be interesting.
One of the spring projects in here Schmieden 11 is to change to old cow barn into a fancy (cosy) horse stable, as the cows are gone.since last summer.
I just love having things renewed, start with new things, and learn new things!!!

Yeahhhhhh!!!!! The season is finished. Today. Had the last three lessons today. On Friday we had good afterworkparty. Thought I could start the party at noon, with the boss, but in the morning we got a new reservation - 2 more hours. No problem. But then - finished! I thought...... But the lady wanted to ski on saturday too. And on Sunday. Ok - of course, no problem. Saturday evening the lady cancelled. Yipeee, I have a family sunday - day off! Today, in the middle of breakfast the boss calls: If it would be possible to take 3 more lessons???? Of course.....
But NOW - finito :-))))
Yes I now, I have a great job - BUT I'm a spoiled seasonworker and that is what it makes the job so great: it's only for the winter :-))))) Now other tasks are wating for me. Yipppeeeee!
Waiting for spring

1st of April