That summer I wrote about in my last insert, didn't even last until midsummeer.
Julia kept warm with the frog dance
.... and Niki soon gave up the illusion of wearing shorts that evening
Men sillen var god
.... och vi hade en riktigt trevlig kväll, vi fyra, tillsammans med lite inbjudna vänner, med lite smabarn, som verkligen uppskattade lite svensk traditionell groddans. Det maste ha kommit nagot om groddansen i TV! Sverige är ett mycket populärt semesterland, for the time beeing, and everybody seems to know that crazy swedes jump around a leaved pole at midsommar. IS THAT TRUE????? is the question I often have to answer:-)
Got some language mix here, but who cares.
...... and Monday summer will be BACK! I believe in that!!!!!

At last! Real summer; warm, blue skye, even luke warm evenings. While the rest of Austria seem to complain about the heat, we here in Tannheimer Tal enjoy wonderful summerweather. Birds are singing, everything is green (even the last trees), snow is melting in the mountains and even our pale bodies have got some sun tan. Right now I'm sitting on the front porch, a Tequila Sunrise ( I can't drink it in the morning - nooo.......) - ok, let`s rename it in Tequila Sundown. Lately I often have my Fridaydrink on Thursday. That's the day Julia usually comes home from Innsbruck. Niki is at home anyhow. Mostly. So Thursday is day the family is complete again. Has to be celebrated, hasn't it.
This last week we have been busy enjoying the summer. At least Niki and me. The housewife and the student. We went for a short and very refreshing swim in Vilsalpsee, we've been mountainbiking and motorbiking. I went hiking with Pontiac as well. And I even went to work. Twice!! And I have been gardening. Got a red back, that first summer day, but now everthing is more or less brown. I love summer :-) Like I love fall, winter and spring :-)))).
I just finished preparing the sill for the midsommar, tomorrow - or so. That means I go to the local supermarket and buy Matjes. Austrian matjes. They are drowned in oil. So what I do is to try to neutralize the poor things and wash the oil off. Then I prepare them the swedish style. More or less. Emma taught me to do this way. For schmiedish midsummer!
Depends on the weather. Right in time for this weekend we`ve been promised lower temperatures and rain again. Had a short thunderstorm this afternoon too.
Emil is still doing somehorsebarn construction work. Our bees are also constructing. Like mad. I did mention we got bees, didn`t I!? Right out of the trees :-) It seems they have decided to stay
The men at work. The making of the new stabledoor.

On the lower picture you can see the bees in the trees, where we "caught" them and put them in a wooden box, before we let them in the new beehouse.
I managed to delete my e-mail account, the other day, by the way. Didn't mean to, of course. Just happened. Just like that. POFF! But I'm working on a revival.

Lucky us
At least we have enough of it.
Good to live in the mountains, So we only get wet feet. Not even water in the basement. Lucky us.
And we all have clean rubberboots now.
And a clean dog:
But Julia (the family-clown) almost got muddy:
Her mum saved her in the last moment - after making the picture, of course :-)