God Jul

Merry Christmas!
Frohe Weihnachten!
Bon Noel!
Felice Navidad!


Dubois is the name of a small town in Wyoming, where we (all 4 of us, of course) spent a wonderful week on a ranch, belonging to lovely people. Great memories connected to that week - in the year of 2000, I think it was. Or 2001 .......
(I'm too lazy to stand up to check - and it doesn't really matter). Now, so many years later Emil got his own horse and decided to call him Dubois. Exactly one week ago he moved in to our old cowbarn, that's now a fine horsebarn. Dubois is a paint horse, 7 months old. A very friendly and calm and smart little guy. 
So now we have have three horse plus mule Sidney, who'a a paying guest, so to say.
Today is Lucia. I made Lussekatter, served them warm to my working men. My two private tomtar :-) Yesterday I made pepparkakor. Niki helped me. And we made eggliquer. Ägglikör. Eierlikör. Everybody comprende? We had as maincourse for supper.....
Julia got a job as veterinary assistant, all of a sudden, last tuesday. She was asked to help out, because the "original" had an accident. and need 2 months or so to recover. That's the kind of job Julia loves. Weekends she spends with Martin studying, Usually they spend their.weekends in the libraray at the University of Innsbruck - learning, writing, studying
December, so far, was very warm. Like November. And like october. But as the summer was rather wet and chilly, that's ok. We don't really have any snow. YET! No panic. Still 2 weeks untill Christmas........ no panic - it will snow, it will snow, it will snow!

The missing pictures from last insert

The "white" one, Hombre, is having a good life/work balance - mostly with Julia on top, but lately also more with me or Niki or Emil. And look at 
Niki fixing the barnwall. Maybe a bit more life than work in his balance at the moment, but that's OK after 50 weeks in Glasgow :-)
Emil's birthdaycake - a genuine Sacher, but I have to practise more with white and brown chocolatetopping....
This is the forestteam that brought  all that firewood.
Today is the first advent, and normally the time to bring down the Christmasdecoration from the attic, but somehow it's just toooo warm and tooooo sunny for that kind of work. But for all other kinds of work, and not work, it's GREAT!!!!!!

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