The winter so far
It started off early, with snow early november. And very low temperatures. Schneeemil made quite some snow. And that was the snow we have been skiing on so far, as we had rain and very warm temperatures over christmas/newyear-holidays. The higher slopes, with only natural snow, were very bad; looked like chocolate or stracciatella icecream. Especially the stracciatelly was very bad for the skis, and the result was a new pair. Bought them last week. Emil has been suggesting new skis for me, the last few years, but I was so happy with my poisongreen Kneissl Super Moto. But not even skis lives for ever, so now I have a pair of unspectacular Fischer skies, standing in the hallway, waiting for more snow to take me on a test ride. My green skis are now my best, of three, pair of duty skis in the skischool. Today we got snow, and todays job was quite nice; skiing with an 8 year old boy - a regular who follows you everywhere. But for my new skis I need mooooore snow.
Emil's got the flu. He'll probably be home all week. Hope he gets well soon, because he is suffering sooooo hard. Poor man!!!! Men....... :-)
The last week was calm, no skischoolkids for me, as I refuse to teach small ones anymore - they are too haeavy for me. My back tells me only to teach kids, who can stand up on their own. Every week I work 2 or 3 late afternoons in Boutique Wally's Gwand in Hotel Jungbrunn, so I don't get bored - used the last week to get rid of that fabolous Christmas, clean, wash, hike up to Emils Mountaintop with my "upwardsskis" (randonnée?!) in one hour !!!! yippeee! Without training :-) How good will I be WITH training????? Only, I don't seem to have any time- With pronounciation on SEEM, I guess. Because, I have to exercise three horses, one dog and ME. Exercising horses is fun, the dogs comes along and I sit on top and enjoy!
This is Tinka, in November. Tinkas owner works in Lech, since November, and we take care of her in all belongings during the winter.

......we're all still alive!
.....we all had a great Christmasholidaytime. In eleven months it's Christmas again - isn't that fantastic!!!!!
..... we baked gingerbreads. They didn't come out as goodlooking as they went in (the oven)
.... so we decided to eat them ALL ourselves. Please excuse us!
Niki brought Christmaspudding from Scotland - an interesting experience. Looks somehow like haggis....
I baked a cake for Julias birthday. Of course :-)
Happy 2014 everybody!
New Years morning everybody got some marcipan and made a lucky-charm-piglet for the vis-a-vis.
Julia and Niki were better artisans than Emil and I, but they tasted the same :-)
Nike enjoyed the country-life, before he went back to his city-life in Glasgow, on januar 11
I'll be back soon. Promise!