Oh my god - help! From tomorrow on days are getting shorter again., Christmas in a little more than 6 months!!! And the summer hasn't even started yet. Really. Only a little... This is my new favourite sandwich:
 Glad midsommar, everybody, out there...!!!!!

Construction work and oysters

Let's begin with the construction work, although the oysters were before, but the oyster part is nicer.
It's Barbie who's building. Barbie is Emils niece, lived at home (next door to us) until now, but as it seem, she and her boyfriend need more room, so they are having their own part built, next to the existing house. It's gonna be a semi-detached, kind of.  All the lorries have to go in on our driveway and through the lower part of the field right behind the house.  But that's no problem - guess they only build once:-)
This is why Emil cut down those two trees and moved the rabbits house.
And the road through Schmieden is going to be renewed too, these day, so dust everywhere. Which is to prefer to mud, so luckily we have great weather  right now. 21h30 and still 18°!!!!!!! Fantastic:-)
Now to the oysters - they were fantastic too. I never had oyster before, actually. I have always waited for the perfect time and the perfect location. Found it in Oban, Scotland. In the harbour, of course.
It was delicous. Julia still has to wait for her oysters, as she had to stay at home and write important university stuff and take care of our menagerie, so only Emil and I flew to Glasgow to visit Niki and to tramp around a little along the westcoast of Scotland. 4 intense days, by train, bike, bus, ferry, rental car, taxi. From Glasgow to the Isle of Arran, then to the Mull of Kintyre and then up north, before returning to Glasgow. We had a great time and NO RAIN. 
A nice Taxidriver took us too a ferrystation in the middle of nowhere. The ferrylanding on the other side was also in the middle of nowhere, but the nice taxidriver called an old lady (some kind of "private" taxi, as it seemed) to pick us up on the other side - as - we had such a good time riding our bikes on Arran and missed last buses on either side:-)
After a good scottish full cooked breakfast we continued by bus. Scottish breakfast is half the fun. The other half is draught beer and whisky. And the gorgeous nature, of course.
Scottish single tracks roads are great; you don't have to bother about driving on the left side, you are just happy to find your way in the middle avoiding holes and sheep.There are meeting points, but other cars are so rare, you seldom need one:-)
I love Scotland!

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