More recent stuff

Last monday, e.g. we smoked a cigar. With good a whisky in the other hand. Main actors were Niki and me. As non-smokers it was quite agreeable :-) The reason for this action was Niki's Masterdegree (which he made last fall) The trigger factor of this action was tha we came cross a wellsorted cigarstore in Kempten, in the afternoon.
Finished! But we still have some whisky..... :-)
PS Pls scroll down for further recent ( yes, in fact!!!) inserts - if you like :-)

A review

As I am so slow and unable to keep my blogg up-to-date I will here serve a review - as so often. But better review than no view at all....
The last day of 2014 we had a lot of snow.
The last day of 2014 was Julias 25th birthday
A happy birthdayride
A happy birthdaycake with blue meth à la Walter Wight. Inside punschcake (noooo - not punch! Punsch! But to be honest it wasn't punsch. It was rum!) And I have to keep training with that choco-deco on white icing....
And - the happy birthdaygirl!
Next day was the Happy-New-Year-Day, with homemade lucky charm marcipan pigs. Breakfasttablemade.

Today 13/1

Emil, jag o Niki hade leidigt idag. Tog tillfället att damma av "turskidorrna" o flasade upp till Füssener Jöchle, Grän. Stackars lilla Julia jobbade - men a andra sidan hade hon redan haft ledigt 4 dagar :-)

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