I'm catching up! Pictures of today, really today. I'm impressed of myself :-) It has stopped snowing now, but is coooold; 23° C below zero in the morning. That's winter. Great!!!


Nikis sheep enjoyed the sunshine, but stayed on the porch.

But I'm sure the horses would prefer the weatherconditions we had around Christmas.

The boys were having a great time, playing "wild horse"
I have to finish now, guess Schne'Emil will come home any minute after a 12 hours working day ( added to 4 hours working night) Schne'Emil doesn't give up that easily, as Frau Holle (that fairy snowmaking lady) - we need more snow for the pists!!!!
I hope someone will find this insert and enjoy it. If yes please scroll down for another three, written the last few days.
Another try

Aahh - that looks good now. Julis spotted the little tre, so she was allowed to cut it. Niki was allowed to carry it :-)

This was the result, decorated by Julia and Niki. We would never have found this little tree way up there if we had a white christmas. And we would never have been able to make the most fantastic Christmashike, if we had the snow we have NOW, writing time. (I'll show you tomorrow, when the sky is blue and it has finished snowing)

Ah, wrong picture - this was last winter. But as it says in the headline: Another try!

Heading towards Gappenfeld Alm, where we enjoyed the warm sunny weather. It was nobody around but us - and a gemse (chamoix)

Max zoom.

Julias birthdaycake, very unspectular because we had to transport to Jenbach, along with the gifts, as Julia had to work on her birthday. It's a swedish Mazarinkaka.

Flying dog at Achensee, where we went for a New Years walk - and here is the family of five:

With Pontiac 6!
Tomorrow I'll write under the headline SNOW!
Happy 2016, everybod!!!!
- and again....
This time the right spelling; here are some pictures from our Christmas roundabouts and Julias birthday and in the end you will find five persons on the familypicture - after so many years together it's time for Julias Martin to get official, I think.

The rough "road" to the best Christmastrees.
Got stuck here, writing and dragging pictures - so this insert will hopefully be followed by the next, soooon, with the found of the Christmastree.
So long.