
Aren't they nice?! All decorated by Julia. They are nicer than good. We tried a new recipe this year. We shouldn't have. But in that way, maybe they last longer....
Emil had the day off today. Almost. Between 0900 until 1600. In that time we actually managed to get some Christmasshopping done! Before, he was snowing half the night; went at 1900 yesterday evening, came at 2200, set the alarm at 0200 and left, came back 0600 this morning, fed the horses, took a shower, had breakfast and left at 0800. And he's still out there on Snowy Mountain. When it's so cold, as it is right now (about 10° celcius below) you just HAVE TO snow, because you get 100 % out of those machines and even if it rains at Christmas, the pists are good. One reason for expensive skitickets.

Decosnow made by King Winter and Mrs Holle.
Tomorrow evening we go to Innsbruck, Emil and I, drink Hot Spiced Wine at the Christmasmarket and they stay over night on JuNi's kitchenfloor. I wonder how much you need to drink, to sleep well on a kitchenfloor....???
On Thursday, then, we'll do some Christmasshopping, ho ho ho, until the kids are ready for the day and we all go home together. Almost like holiday :-)
Postat av: Limi
intressant färg i kanterna på en del... :-)
Postat av: Tuttan
Kallas "well done" i fackjargong :-)