Winter. Real winter.

Totally forgot to proudly present the new sheep recidence, that Emil, Julia and Niki built about a month ago. The sheep are very content. As are the dogs, that Julia takes care of, once and a while. The one to the right is Pontiacs father.
We have wonderful winterweather, ( it's hard to believe that what is normal to us, causes headlines in the news elsewhere) not too much snow but luckily we have Emil, the snowman. He has made enough for the skiarea to open up tomorrow. At least parts of it. I got lifttickets for me and JuNi today. For free! It's not bad beeing married to a snowman :-) I think I will dust of my randonné skis and walk up to the top, have a cup of hot chocolat and go down again. Sounds good, doesn't it?! And then we plan to bake pepparkakor. Sounds good too, doesn't it?! This year I'm early, have already put up most of the christmas decorations with lot of candles and lights. I like Christmastime. Especially advent. Tonight we go to the cinema. Happens twice a year, or so, in the best case. Harry Potter. Sort of a tradition.
Postat av: Limi
nice chalet for the sheep i must say. Emil at his best :-)
walking up the mountain sounds good :-)))