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At last, the Chapter "Oma" is closed. Friends and relations had a nice last evening together, on her behalf, on tuesday, after the funeral.
On Wednesday I just enjoyed backtonormality and did nothing special. Even took an extra morning nap, awaiting the sun to come up behind the mountains, after the family left for the day. Almost like holiday :-) Today I hauled a horse to Saarbrücken, like so many times alread. Round trip about 900 km. I enjoy these long hours on the road, with only me, myself and I. And the horse, of course. The autumnnature was soooo beatyful. At the way back home, I alwas pass this sign with PARIS and it's soooo hard not to turn off and go there. And then through France, across the Pyrenées, through Spain. To Linda! I like to drive. Think it's in the family.
Well, today is Thursday. Good children went to the supermarket in their way home from Innsbruck, as they had the car this week, and as I got home, supper was ready. Weisswurst mit Bretzge. Und a bier. Now I sit here with a Campari Soda, tonights thursdaydrink, an communicate with the world out there. Nice.

Picture from last fall, but could have been made yesterday......


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