Found it :-)

Let's start with last sundays (last? was it already 2 sunday ago?? crazy!!!!) formula one breakfeast:
The hardcore part of the family started before 0700

.... then we all continued to about 1000
A most perfect beginning of a sunday!
Upcoming sunday we'll have a F1-glass-of-wine in the early evening instead. I hope we manage to see the start before we have to bring Julia and Niki to their "Innsbruck Taxi" in Reutte.

Today we had just wonderful autumn weather. Perfect for gathering leaves (- now that the snow is gone and the leaves are down)

Emil brought away all the manure into the fields, horses and sheep enjoyed a (probably last) day on the pasture, Julia and Niki were just around -learning, running (yes! they've taken up running together!), eating, having a good time. Then we finished the day with the Haloween left-overs: pumpkinsoup - a good hot and spicy one,mmmmm!

Postat av: Linda

Oooooh sa mysigt ni har det!! Nasta gang du kor hem, ta den dar avfarten Paris!!! Sulle va sa kul om ni aaaaanligen kom pa besok!!! :) Skickar en liten tanke till gammelopa!! puss puss xxxx

2010-11-10 @ 15:24:31
Postat av: Limi

Ser härligt höstmysigt ut :-)

2010-11-13 @ 17:28:07

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