This is my new definition of the weekdays. High Efficiancy Days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then there  is a VHEM (Thursday Morning, Very High Efficient). The rest is, of course Low Efficiancy Days. It's a good rythm. Yesterday I went to Innsbruck, as usual, lately, to pick up JuNi. Innsbruck is a very beatyful city, indeed. And very "christmassy". 
As I drove over Fernpass, Loreen called and and told me she would have her horse put down, by the vet, in the afternoon. What shall I do?, she asked between the sobs. Loreens horse live in our stable. Lived! If it had been my horse I would have let him die weeks, or even months ago. He had arthritis and strong pains and could hardly walk. At the end he fell on his way out and blocked the door and couldn't get up anymore. Poor thing! After several phonecalls, Emil decided to get home from work and drag the horse out so Opa didn't have to climb over a dead horse to melk the cows. I was lucky to be far away :-) And tonight Emil has to bring the carcass 20 km, over Gaichtpass, to a "deadanimalgatheringplace". In heavy snowfall it's long ride with the tractor. But I'm lucky and can sit here in the warmth and drink "glögg" and hope I don't have to go and rescue someone stuck in the snow.
Julia is dogsitting this weekend. The vet's dogs. In Reutte. So she's gone for the evening. During the day she brought them up to Tannheim, and we wen't for a horsebackwalk through the snowy forest. Great! With three happy dogs running and playing along, even greater!!  Then we had tea, made a fire in the fireplace and watched The Pirates of the Caribbean, Part I ( one of my absolute favourite films. That is a typical LED :-) Emil was on a seminar for pistrescuers. In Innsbruck!
Niki moved back into his own room again, yesterday, after almost 6 months in Emma's "cosy corner". That's the time it's been taking to fix his old room after changing the window, in June. Seems to have been a lot of LEDs in between. Or outdoor HEDs.... However, now everything is freshly painted (much yellow) and almost as new.
Ah, Emil is back - mission completed. I guess he's hungry:-)
This is what he gets in the morning. What he wants! The main ingredients of my special breakfeastbiscuits. Bake 'em every three days, I do!!!!

Postat av: Limi

Busy Emil. Very HED indeed!

We want to see Nikis yellow room!!!

2010-11-27 @ 09:15:48
URL: http://limi.blogg.se/

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