Originally I intended to put in some nice new (brandnew!!!!) pictures, but unfortunately I don't know exactely where I put the cam. As I hate to search and run around and look for things, that I now for sure are somewhere around and will turn up on itself in the next few hours (usually - sometimes days) the photos have to wait.
Instead I started to write and explain what excellent quality our shower cabin is, but as I wanted to fill in something in the context, the new letters started "eating" the old ones. I just hate that! I'm sure there is a simple solution to the problem, yes....... Well, that cabindoor is 20 years old ( you can't see it, I assure!) and still going strong. NEHER - good old german quality. We have opened the door (three parts to push together from either side) from the right till now, but as it started to go a little bit "ruppig" we all started to open it from the left. Works as it was new. So, now it will be interesting to get to know if the showerdoor will hang on another 20 years or if it will give up forever, tomorrow, because I wrote this about good quality.....
Instead I started to write and explain what excellent quality our shower cabin is, but as I wanted to fill in something in the context, the new letters started "eating" the old ones. I just hate that! I'm sure there is a simple solution to the problem, yes....... Well, that cabindoor is 20 years old ( you can't see it, I assure!) and still going strong. NEHER - good old german quality. We have opened the door (three parts to push together from either side) from the right till now, but as it started to go a little bit "ruppig" we all started to open it from the left. Works as it was new. So, now it will be interesting to get to know if the showerdoor will hang on another 20 years or if it will give up forever, tomorrow, because I wrote this about good quality.....