
Here she is, our little Oma.
Flyers like these are brought to the neighbours and friends. Personally. We did it on Friday, Emil and I. Walked around in Schmieden and had one glass on Oma here and one there. Luckily not everybody was at home........ :-)
Tomorrow evening is funeral. At last. The coffin is standing in the cemetery chapell since Saturday and twice a day we have to go there with Opa (Emil senior) and stand around and look sad. And freeze. So tomorrow, at last, she may rest in peace, little Agnes.
Naturally I think back on Mammas prefuneral time. Much more easy. Her ashes stood in a pot on the table, flowers and candles next to it, warm and cosy in the living room. An angel sitting on the lid. Passing by you could say hello, or just sit there and read and write or look TV. Very practical and natural. And our little private funeral was no big deal, but familiar and nice. But as a member of the Tannheimer village community you just have to follow the "rules".
Julia and Niki are are already planning on how they might be able to arrange for me to "land" under Emy's and Brita's tree :-) When time comes. I'm definetely NOT in a hurry :-)

Postat av: Limi

Har ni firat av Oma ordentligt nu??

2010-11-02 @ 17:20:25

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