
Some trees seem to believe so, they are growing big fat buds. I was sleeping in the sun on the balkony and got a red stomach. The horses and the sheep are out on green pastures all day (long).
Fast weatherchanges here, as allways. One week winter, one week fall, one week spring. Only the real summer weeks are a bit rare. Even in summer!
F1 was very exciting today. My second favourite, after Webber, won: Vettel. I believe the most sympathetic team (in spite of being austrian....) made it, Red Bull! Noe we all have to wait until March 13 (I think it is) for the next start. Until then we, luckily, have all the downhill races to watch. Couchsport! Very cosy :-)
This was the only real "sport" we did today:
A walk throuhg the forest. Guess what we carry!? The winner gets a bottle of wine. (What else???) To share with me. To be on the safe side, the winner should bring the wine, as I have a bad reputation as wine buyer.....
Julia went for a ride instead....
... as this white horse here just loves to get a good run.  And Julia has to come along to show him the way... - and yes! we know that he looks like a big white woolpig.
The the youngsters even had some to learn, befor leaving again this evening

If we get another warm and sunny day tomorrow (before the next snow) I intend to wash and wax the car. Sounds good, doesn't it?!

Postat av: Limi

Kottar såklart...

2010-11-14 @ 23:10:04
URL: http://limi.blogg.se/
Postat av: M

Julia´s tofflor are looking great and warm and cosy :-)

The spring arrived also to Budapest yesterday, and today it was +20 and very sunny and verry pleasant, almost as great and warm and cosy as Julia´s tofflor :-)))

2010-11-15 @ 19:44:38
Postat av: Tuttan


2010-11-15 @ 20:10:26
Postat av: Limi

mossa då?

2010-11-20 @ 13:19:36
URL: http://limi.blogg.se/
Postat av: Tuttan

Fel igen!

2010-11-20 @ 18:58:54

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