....., Thursday, Friday,......
This week was a nice week! As most weeks are :-) Todays drink is Bitter Lemon with Vodka. Yummi! The snow is now all gone, to a level of about 2000m. Hard to imagine that I fighted my self up to Emil on his mountain (750 altimeters) two weeks ago, through kneedeep snow, with, snowshoes. It's been raining all day and it was real windy, with stormy moments. Most of the evergreen branches I put on the balconies, the other day, (instead of flowers) were spread over the neighbourhood. It was a very swedish day, referring to the weather. I like that! Now and then..... Cosy. We decided to have lunch in front of the TV, with sparkling fire in the stove, of course. On Tuesday I recorded MONK on RTL - I thought!!!!! Turned out to be maybe only 3/4, we noticed today. Grrrrrr...... The moment as Trudy wanted to tell Adrian, on a tape he found in an old package, the probable reason why she got killed 12 years ago -.... bzzzzzzz Sendepause!!!!!! So mean!!!! Anybody saw it? Ooohhhh - it was hard, but at last I managed to accept that I probabley never will find out what Trudy said and how Monks life got saved so I went for a walk in the rain, instead. Guess there are worse problems in the world :-)
Yesterday Emil had the day off and had two tickets for Agro Alpin (fair) in Innsbruck. There you find the most incredible machines, for agruculture on steep mountain slopes. All high-tech. Bet no one would produce these things if EU wouldn't be so genourous, other wise no mountainfarmer would afford them.....
Well, since yesterday the house is a bit more lively again, though Julia just drove off to Reutte, to go out with her old classmates. But Niki is around. He went out and had fun in Innsbruck, during the week, he told me, so he needs to learn a little tonight, it seems..... Did I tell that Emil and I have started taking dance lessons by the way? Every Thursday! Incredible, isn't it? We'll see, if the dancing teacher will stand the next months without a nervous breakdown.....
.....hmmmm - where will the next journey take us????
PS .... and Wednesday was sooooo wonderful. Took a looooong ride in the sun, on the white one, accompanied by doggie-woggie.