Killer instinct

Two minutes ago I found 4 fat nasty flies on the computer screen. Now it's bloodstained, but I only got two. I hope they won't come and eat me alive, the other two. I killed them, because they are intruders in my territory. What if they think it's theirs? They were huge.... That's one good thing with winter - no flies (normally). I think they came in with some flowers, from the balcony. Bet they are hungry....
Apropos hungry; we had a really nice three course menue this evening: as starter we had ovenbaked fishfingers with aubergineslice. For the hungry men. The main course was baked bananas with brown sugar flambée with 80% rum with vanilla icecream. The desert will be served any minute - Planters Punch by Niki. Should Paul Bocuse read this, he might be ready to kill, but I feel safe ...... ( I'm more worried about the flies). Tomorrow morning I serve Formula 1 breakfeast at 0645, at a sparkling fire, in our toprestaurant. Sounds good, doesn't. Our man is Marc Webber, by the way. Heja Red Bull!

Postat av: M

are you all for webber? we are not that harmonious here... limi is totally in love with alonso (and he used to hate-hate-hate him!!!), marleen´s idol is vettel, and i´m still very loyal to david coulthard (since he left F1 there are no good-looking guys left and i just can´t settle for less than perfect)

2010-10-25 @ 14:16:23
Postat av: Limi

Funny, I don't feel a bit sorry for Webber... :-)))

2010-10-25 @ 17:28:59

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