
This picture is from october 18, 2009. It's not unnormal with loads of snow october but you kind of try to wipe it out of the memory.....

It was snowing all night long but in the morning it cleared up and it turned out to be a sunny day. A cold
sunny day. And as it is quite early in the year, we didn't change wintertyres. As we expected the roads (over two passes) were free, and mostly even dry. No problems at all. Except to get from the garage to the road. Maybe 50 meters. Took us about 15 minutes with two persons pushing. Schmieden is not like the rest of the world. I think, that makes it so charming and why I love to live here.
Anyhow, we got JuNi home from Innsbruck with no problems. Brought them a new couchtable, special made by Emil, and put up some more shelfs. Innsbruck hasn't got any snow at all and it was really warm, +10°!
So now the family is complete again :-) Tomorrow we will make firewood for lots of cosy fires during the long cold winter.  Mmmmm....

Postat av: M

have a super weekend in charming winterish schmieden! and we will do the same in the charming sunny-chilly budapest! it´s great to have the whole family together under the same roof, isn´t it...

2010-10-22 @ 12:36:02

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