Die Heimwerkerfamilie
Maybe I should write in english, like my brother, so my friends in Germany, or whereever, can read AND look at the pictures. Is that a good idea? When I don't get any response I go back to writing in swedish, as that has turned into a kind of foreign language to me, during the years. But on the other hand, english writing wouldn't do any harm as well.....
Anyhow - for Heimwerkerfamilie I can't find a more suitable word either in swedisch nor in english. Any suggestions???
We are doing our best to make some old furniture, wich we found on the attic, look like we bought them at IKEA the other day. Since the kitchen in Julia and Nikis Innsbruck flat, doesn't have a window, we decided to keep much of it in white. And greeeeeen. On monday we plan to fill the horse trailer and take a good lood to Innsbruck.
That is, when the grass we cut the other day, has turned into hay. It's really tough to make hay in this wet and cold country ( but beautyful!!!!)
PS See the new windows????
how about "handy-man-family"...?
i definately prefer the english (to the beautyful swedisch) :-)))