The do-it -yourself-family at work in Innsbruck last monday:

"Hey - the first own IKEA shelf, in my life!!!!!"

"Pimp my kitchentable"
As old Hector died, the leftalone sheepladies need new male company - fresh delivered this very afternoon:

"Take two, pay one"
Julia's kittens are all gone, to their new families, by the way
It was on the time, because Julia became severe problems with keeping them under control......:

"Un bouquet de chats" (Last saturday)

"Hey - the first own IKEA shelf, in my life!!!!!"

"Pimp my kitchentable"
As old Hector died, the leftalone sheepladies need new male company - fresh delivered this very afternoon:

"Take two, pay one"
Julia's kittens are all gone, to their new families, by the way
It was on the time, because Julia became severe problems with keeping them under control......:

"Un bouquet de chats" (Last saturday)
Postat av: M
the kitchen table looks cool! must be exciting to move into your first own place... far from controlling parents... haa-haa-haa :-)
the male sheeps look cool also, although their horns can´t compete with the hector´s... :-)
Postat av: Limi
stället ser ju rymligt ut... :-)
Postat av: Linda
Hahahahhahahahahaha, en kattbukett? hHahahahhahah!!