
How do you express it in english? Happy easter? Sounds silly, to me. Joyeux paques, sounds good, although I'm not sure the spelling is original....?! How to wish swedish people a happy eggandcockorrabbitweekend is known to me, but it does for sure not look good written, with a german keybord where essential letters are missing. But I'm sure all (all????) readers, by now, got the message :-)))))
We have wonderful weather! What else!? But I, like most other people around, are slightly worried; are our stock of sunny days for 2011 already used up soon? None left for the summer?? Heck - we can't change it anyways, so we just enjoy itI A waste of thouhgt thinking about such things...... (silly me!!!)
My knee is getting better day by day, I returned my cruches to the hospital on wednesday and started riding the bicycle instead. Much better and faster, Pontiac agreed with.
Wednesday was also the day we made a journey. A day trip to Munich with the train from Garmisch. Takes 1,5 hours and costs 31 bananas for the four of us + dog, including as much bus and underground you can ride. As I remember only parking in Munich cost about the same sum and without paying toll, you're not allowed to drive into town anyhow. We had a very nice and slow day with lot's of good food and some good drinks and some icecream and even little bit of shopping. And lots of windowshopping.
At home life is rolling along. I cook more than usual, as that's more or less the only thing I can do. Except biking with the dog. Julia goes for a ride everyday. Mostly horseride, sometimes bikerides. Niki's bicycle gets around a little more and a little bit faster. But Julia is running more. Jogging.
Emil is working. And working. And working. And after work, after dinner, he works again. At home. And works. Hope he finds my bicycle, because it's got a flat and the chain needs to be oiled..... :-)


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