Nu är glada pasken slut, slut, slut.....

paskariset aker ut, ut, ut!
Katt Halifax's tunger hänger oxo alltid ut,ut,ut!
Katt Halifax's tunga hänger oxo alltid ut!

We had a nice and easygoing easter weekend; no church, no visits, only the usual paperbackeggs filled with sweets. My egg is dated 1960, Julia has inherited Britas egg, Emil has a newer version of a second egg of mine and Niki, solemnly, has a notalreadyused egg dated 1992, bought in Bastad. I like things with history. We all do, actually. Except maybe Emil......
Now I will take a little brake and do some carpet exercise in front of the TV and enjoy Daniela Katzenberger. She's funny! Anybody knows her? Would like to hear somebody's opinion, in that case :-) On VOX.
Now then - 200 situps later; Saturday it was still warm, and Julia, Niki, Pontiac, I and an applepie with vanillacauce went (rode) up to Emil to the top of his mountain, where he was on duty. (Skiseason finished, hikingseason just opened up).  This was the result:
O, sorry! No picture today, still in the camera. Maybe tomorrow.  But it was a very nice pic-nic!
My knee is getting better with every day. I ride my bike, walk some and try to be patient and officially I'm totally recovered from today on, Doc Pfefferkorn told me, and the knee looks just fine. 
Niki took the car to Innsbruck today (all on his little own!) because he's got lectures Wednesday and Thursday. The houseowner allowed him to park the car in his precious yard, for two days. To Park a car in the vicinity of Julias and Nikis flat in Hötting/Innsbruck is not so easy. If you want to park longer than 2 hours, that is.
Little rabbit Knatte is getting old and can't hop around anymore, so I have to take special care of her and so I recycled a trampolin and made a roundpen for rabbits, out of if. I felt very creative afterward :-)
I have a certain feeling I write RUBBISH today (I mean more rubbish than normal). By the way - I was into severe foodproduction to day, again. Hare. Very good. Cooked in redwine and juniper. Mamma would have been proud of me, for a change :-). Poor Emil couldn't really enjoy the meal, because he's got a cold. A real cold, with fever and cough. And antibiotica. So I guess he'll get well soon.
Apropos soon. Look at our aprilmorning moon!

Tomorrow I plan some cleaning activities (as I'm officially declared capable of working), some spoiling a poor houseband, I'll get kneepyhsio and the blacksmith will come and put new horseshoes on the 8 hooves, we've got in the backyard. And the day after tomorrow I'll go for a nice ride with Julia - it's been a long time since.

Postat av: Limi

of course we know Daniela, in one program she even dated Chris in Marbella...

2011-04-27 @ 23:12:57

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