The final day, finally

.... was Wednesday.
My final pupil was a little norwegian girl, 5 years old, and it was not like teaching ski - we just skied and had fun for 4 days, the two of us. It's often like that in our skischool, so that's probably why I like my job so much. Now, as Wednesday was the very last day, at last, my boss and I decided we couldn't just go home, so it took a little longer. About 4 hours, and then I was sooooo tired.
Since Thursday, though, I have absolutely no time to be tired. A lot of things to be done. GrandOpa's surgery went well and he's just fine (as far as your are fine after a big surgery), but has to stay in hospital for at least one more week. I must admit, I do not miss him, but Emil does, because he has to do all the cow-work. I'm free as a bird, but want to clean up round the house, now that almost all snow is gone. That photo, up there, is from last year. This year we have little flowers on the lawn, instead of snow. Very early spring, yes. Tormorrow Emil has a day off and JuNi are at home (picked themselves up, after their mother brought the car - very practical indeed)  and I'm sure we will get a lot of "spring work" done. And have at least one nice cup of coffee together in the sun on the porch :-) Maybe even ice-cream :-)))) Niki has night-duty at the Red Cross, but usually there's not much, i.e. nothing, going on in Tannheimer Tal in the night, so I guess he get's a good night sleep and I hope he brings home a clean car. They've got a wonderful garage, with all kinds of cleaning equipments, at that Red Cross station!
Well, last monday I went to see a very nice doctor, who promised to pimp my knee. Not a big deal, he said. Like a spring cleaning, he said His name was Dr. Druml.......... hmmmm!? (Det far mig att tänka pa en rörmokare vi hade i Laholm, som Mamma kallade "Sikken-en-kludder"....) So, on coming monday afternoon I'll check in at the hospital in Reutte, Tuesday I'll have my knee "pimped" and Wednesday I can go home. On cruches. After 10 days I'll be as new, said Dr. Druml :-))))) I'm not sure, if HE is going to operate on me, but to be on the safer side, I have decided to stay awake during the operation, only the lower part of me will sleep and so I can follow the surgery on a monitor - and tell the doctor what to do. Or not to do!  I guess they'll have some means to make me chut up if I ask/talk too much. What if I get sick of seeing me poor knee from inside? I can't just run off to the bathroom!!!  I hope I manage to close my eyes in time, in that case, and ask for headphones with nice music. An exciting experience, for sure...... And if it doesn't get better, it can't get much worse, at least.

Postat av: limi

I would definately ask for full anaesthesia... I'd prefer not to know what those expert are doing. Dr Druml, and hes colleague Dr Nogoodl... and the nurse Beteubl...

2011-04-04 @ 19:17:20

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