
August was a very nice month with mostly good weather. The month the summer occured! For a whole week in row, plus some seperate days. We've all been very busy; Julia and Niki at work. Julia has her last day tomorrow and had a good time, seemingly. Haven't seen her since monday morning. Nor the car. Don't miss the car as I do my chores by bike, in the village. Julia, of course, I missed. Niki can hardly wait until he's ready with his brainkilling work among a bunch of demotivated workers. Last week he worked nights, then he had the car ( and Julia had one of the Vet's car), this week mornings, going with a neighbour. Emil and I brought in the last loads of hay, more or less on our own. For a change I was allowed to drive the machines :-) Instead of Niki. Emil has fixed up most of the machines, by now, and stuffed them away until next summer.
Uffe was here with a bunch of blondes. Stayed looooong, for a change ; two nights. We had a lot of fun, always something going on. I even forgot to take pictures. Not one single! Of course I have the pictures in my head, and Marge, sis in law, took a lot. See if I can find them......
Doesn't seem very much, that we've been doing,when your read this, but we just sat out long every evening, enjoying the warm weather. In the morning I was out early enjoying the fresh morning. And inbetween I enjoyed the hammock. The flowers were extremely thirsty and so I had to carry a lot of water. So, as you see, NO time for computering. And of course we were swimming. I didn't have to cook a lot in august  (which I wasn't sad about!) as everybody was mostly happy with fruit, salad, icecream, youghurt, berries and stuff like that. If at home, at all?!  We did some BBQing, though.
Like here, in the hayfields above the lake

(Yes, Niki was there and climbed it!)
One evening we had a kräftkalas - with focus on the kräfeating part. Found them at IKEA Innsbruck. Kräfta? Rivercrab?!
Well, I still had some time for some "real" work ( horses and hiking) and even for some sport. For example I improved my time from kitchen door to Emil's top station from 56 to 50 minutes. Ha, hah!!! And sunday (in spite of snowy summits) Niki and I made a pretty long, very beatyful, MTB tour in the surroundings. Very rough road. Dont't like rough roads. So we decided to go down on the other side of that mountain, instead of going back. So we more or less back packed our bikes and walked down a steep trail. More dog friendly, I thought, as Pontiac was accompanying us. He wasn't tired at all, chasing marmots between the turns. Niki wasn't very tired, either. Was I the only one tired????? But just a little.....:-)

Postat av: Limi

både crawfish o crayfish TROR jag är rätt, men inte krabbfisk...

Will try do download the pictures to Facebook some day... :-)

2011-09-06 @ 18:06:59

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