Hay, hay (pa daj...)

Hay, part 2, was finished tuesday. So was the dry weather. Perfect timing, in that case. Now it's a bit tropical with heat, thunderstorms, rain and INSECTS. Bloodthirsty insects. I would not like to live in a jungle!
Today is august 3rd and we haven't been swimming once (yet....) this summer. Considering the 16° reported from Haldensee (lake in our valley) I'm not sure if I maybe should wait until next summer........
In Scotland we found lovely beaches with greenblue clear water. Cold atlantic water. Just fine for a footbath :-)

Today I "alpine walked" up to Emils top station in 56 min. Satisfied :-) Yesterday I made my first "workshop" with these typical tyrolean wooden hiking/cowpunching poles, with guests from Hotel Ritter. Good :-)

Tomorrow Niki and I go to Innsbruck to check up on the flat and to bring my bike back home. Julia works at the vet's, since monday, and tonight she is staying over, in Reutte, dogsitting. What does that man do with his dogs when Julia is NOT around????? 


Postat av: Limi

seems like a good idea for next week... to walk in less than 56 minutes...

2011-08-07 @ 10:44:56
URL: http://limi.blogg.se/

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