Still august
Last day of august today and wonderful weather, though a little cooler than last week. Great for horsebackriding - hardly any bloodsucking beasts around. This afternoon we went for an afterworkbeer with Emil; me, Pontiac and our favourite friends. Start was Emil's topstation and after an hour or so, along the mountainridge, eveningsun shining on us, we reached the beer station. Gappenfeld. Half way to Landsbergerhütte, for those who know. Two beers later, we took the same steep trail down, as the other day with the bikes, Niki and me. I think it was almost easier with one bike than two beer...... And a schnaps. Home at 9 pm.
Sunset in the mountains is beatyful. Last week, Emil and I rode the motorbike up to Neunerköpfle (that's the name of Emils mountain!) one evening and tried to catch it on a photo:

Well now, of course we also have some of the "real life" here in paradise. Like a leaking waterpipe, last week. First I thought is was a cat. Then the dog. That yellowish water on the bathroom floor. Luckily it was only a rather exterior bend, so we didn't have to tear up walls. But I got a general cleaning of my dertergent storage :-) Then we had a television set that suddenly showed only a tiny picture on a huge screen, beyond repairing, so we now have a new plasma monster with a diameter of 106 cm. The old monster, with the small picture, now lives in Emmas flat and the kids can keep the small TV, that used to stand in there, in Innsbruck - for alway and ever. And today I had to bring the tractor to service. An one hour ride, for 20 km. Every bump in the road, that you don't even notice with the car, catapults you from the seat. Aj!
What more? Yes! I harvested the garden crop. Spinach and dill. The potato plant, is still out there, together with two rhubarbs. Maybe it gets bigger. My garden is about 6 squaremeter, so you can imagine all the work I had! I think I have enough spinach for one pizza and enough dill for two loads of majtes with potatoes. Better than nothing, I would say. Not to forget the gooseberries - a whole bowl full of my favourite berries :-) I think I will make me a birthdaycake out of them, mmmmmm......
Sunset in the mountains is beatyful. Last week, Emil and I rode the motorbike up to Neunerköpfle (that's the name of Emils mountain!) one evening and tried to catch it on a photo:

Well now, of course we also have some of the "real life" here in paradise. Like a leaking waterpipe, last week. First I thought is was a cat. Then the dog. That yellowish water on the bathroom floor. Luckily it was only a rather exterior bend, so we didn't have to tear up walls. But I got a general cleaning of my dertergent storage :-) Then we had a television set that suddenly showed only a tiny picture on a huge screen, beyond repairing, so we now have a new plasma monster with a diameter of 106 cm. The old monster, with the small picture, now lives in Emmas flat and the kids can keep the small TV, that used to stand in there, in Innsbruck - for alway and ever. And today I had to bring the tractor to service. An one hour ride, for 20 km. Every bump in the road, that you don't even notice with the car, catapults you from the seat. Aj!
What more? Yes! I harvested the garden crop. Spinach and dill. The potato plant, is still out there, together with two rhubarbs. Maybe it gets bigger. My garden is about 6 squaremeter, so you can imagine all the work I had! I think I have enough spinach for one pizza and enough dill for two loads of majtes with potatoes. Better than nothing, I would say. Not to forget the gooseberries - a whole bowl full of my favourite berries :-) I think I will make me a birthdaycake out of them, mmmmmm......
Postat av: Limi
Trädgårdsmästare Tuttan :-)))
Have you checked Solsidan yet??
Postat av: Tuttan
Yes :-)))), men inte allt. Ännu! Julia o Niki är begeistrade!!!