A cosy day

Friday. The house is full again. Julia has already got Christmasvacation, Niki has another week to go, with two exams.
It's been a rainy, windy day, reminding me of my childhood winters in Laholm. Cosy. Dark. Lot of candles. Baked two bananabreads, it smells so good! Taste good too, of course. For lunch we watched Super G from Gröden ( absolutely no calories, yes!). Later a seldom seen friend knocked on the door and we had warm gingerbrew with gingerbread, in my cosy kitchen and we had

ot of gingerbrew, during the cold part(s) of the year. Ínstead of having a flushot. I don't know if it works or not, but fact is (knock on wood!!!!) that I practically never get even a cold eventhough I often, more or less, freeze my ass of, during my hours on the pists. And my hands. And my feet.  Last tuesday, another, even more seldom friend called. Lars Herrstedt. 
After had, please continue here (because this stupid damned curser eats my text and this stupid damned thing destroyed the half context, yesterday evening because the internet broke and I'm about to loose my temper, this next morning GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! ok......... we had a nice long chat!!!

Then : ........ I drink a lot of gingerbrue...........................
Then : Lars Herrstedt. He took my out for dinner in the evening (Jungbrunn) and we had a nice long chat.
The rain changed into snow, now it's saturday morning , still snowing, but less wind. Another cosy day coming up!


PS Luckily I found my lost temper again - it isn't really worth loosing it because of a stupid computer ( I know!) - besides it's stupid ME, as usual, and NOT the computer. I KNOW :-))))))))))


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