Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

Perfect! We had wonderful dry weather until saturday, when we took down all leftover fences and brought the sheep back home for winter. Sunday was rainy and windy and real cosy :-) Then - exactly as we ordered end of october - it started to snow, monday morning. Now is tuesday evening and it's still snowing. Great!!!!
Got my doors ready today with beewax and polishin. By hand....puh!


The difference is more obvious in real. Come and have a look!!!!

Tomorrow is Innsbruck day, again. Intend to combine it with a photoexhibition, for a change. Best journalist photos of the year, from all over the world.
 On thursday we have one of those marvellous catholic holydays again and so JuNi get a loooooong weekend. Emil too. For me it's all the same....... Plan to bake. Gingerbread. Reminds me, mustn't forget to buy ginger tomorrow! As the store is closed on thursday. Darn holydays :-) We ran out of swedish syrup last year so we'll make a try with maplesyrup. Tried some german stuff once - tasted like molasses. The sticky stuff you can feed pigs and horses. Not good! The gingerbread tasted like molasses as well. Not good! So, for all our sakes, I hope maplesyrup is GOOD..... :-)
Now I' ll write a christmasletter, have a cup of tea ( "Hüttenzauber") and watch men's second giant slalom, from Beaver Creek.

Postat av: Limi

wow, att lite honung kan göra sån skilnad... :-)

2011-12-08 @ 21:55:07
URL: http://limi.blogg.se/
Postat av: M

Snow, syrup and slalom. Good stuff. And if today is the holiday, does it mean it will last till Monday? :)

2011-12-08 @ 22:50:16
Postat av: Linda

Sirap?? Pa inköps listan ;)

2011-12-11 @ 18:01:44
Postat av: Tuttan

Ja, tack!

2011-12-11 @ 21:59:24

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