
Before I start writing about our "homework":
Tea is not just tea, and beer is not just beer - 4 different kinds of beer and 4 different kinds of tea (at Willow Teahouse in Glasgow)

Life is back to normal and we have started with things that have to be done in and around the house, now and then; we chop wood, clean hidden corners (with my brandnew little steamcleaner), paint, improve hidden and unhidden corners of house and barns and if we may believe the weatherforecast we will be able to start part two of the haymaking season tomorrow.  
This summer, I have also, once more, tried my skills as gardener. Unsuccessfully, as usual. After picking out everything that didn't look edible there was a big potato plant left (some leftover from last year I guess - or the year before last year....) ,  along with the rhubarb and some leaves growing in a row, that I would like to believe is spinach, which I did put in and one very small saladplant. Together with some tiny things that didn't look tike the common weed - maybe parsley..... Todays crop, anyhow, was a bucket full of weed. But I won't give up! I promise :-)


Postat av: Linda

Ligger pappa bakom steam-cleanern???? Det ar ju hans specialite!!!! :)

2011-07-30 @ 18:51:09
Postat av: M

Those 4 different teas dont include the one i got served by my sister a week ago, dill tea it was, very green, very dillish and very eco! :D so if you find a green plant what smells like dill from your garden, just throw it in the pot, drown in into boiling water and enjoy the 'taste of summer'!

2011-08-03 @ 18:19:32

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