
A couple of hours ago I came home with the kids. Kids? Niki is 20 and Julia 21... Big kids, in that case :-) I guess, for me they will always be the kids. Like I'll always be Mamma.
I "cooked" a big bowl of salad, reached with chickenbreasts. Standard friday afternoon food. Fast and easy, as I like it. It's even good! Thereafter, the first thing Julia always does, is to go for a ride. Sometimes together with me, on the little brown one. Nikis first way, is to check out his sheep. Pontiac jumps around like crazy with a ball in his mouth, and wants to play.
Weather is still windy, cold and wet but tomorrow we will actually start haying. Emil has been busy with preparing all machines, today. YIPPEEEE! Then, we really are promised summer for three whole days. WOW!
Innsbruck was warm. Julia and Niki came home dressed only in T-shirts and bermudas. Freezing :-) Will they ever learn? And I went to Innsbruck this morning, dressed in jeans, long sleeves and fleece. Sweating!  Will I ever learn???



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