
Fronleichnam - that's the name of another holy church holiday. Don't actually know what it's about. Have asked Emil a couple of times, but he doesn't seem to know either and Julia and Niki, too, seem to have been sleeping  in the religionlesson where they have been supposed to learn it. Free (very free) translated, by me, it sounds like a " happy corpse"But what does it matter? The main thing is, it's a day off. At least for Julia and Niki, but they are in Innsbruck. Julia is learning for an exam on friday. Niki will probably sleep. He had his last exam and last day yesterday and has now official  summerholiday and I guess he had a good party last night. Julia has another week to go plus some more exams. Emil is working. Makes me thing of the current discussion, here in Austria, whether allowing the stores to open up sundays, or not. I really don't see the problem! Lot's of people think it would be terrible to touch this holy sunday that you should spend with the family. And what do they do? They use public transportation, visit recreation areas and institution, eat out, go to the cinema, visit a museum etc. etc. All these upset sunday protecting people don's seem to think a second of all these other people working, to enable the "sunday off's" to enjoy a nice family day..... As if the sundayworker wouldn't have a family too?! And why not shopping on sunday? Without stress. I would suggest you should close down everything, only one sunday, to open up the eyes of everybody! But I enjoy this slow afternoon. Earned some nice money in the morning with the horses. My private little work, so to say. Yesterday was hot, then a big fat storm in the evening and today it's grey, chilly and slooooow. Tuesday was the summerday! Lasted all day, and it didn't rain until I served the desert on our little Midsommarparty with some friends. Intended to celebrate the family midsommar on friday, but Niki called off, he's on rescueduty friday night, he announced. Saturday is "barndance" and BBQ so we postpone sill & potäter until sunday afternoon. Without beer and snaps, then. Probably we have enough of that after the "barndance"..... :-)
Now it's raining again. Will do some cleaning and baking (only cause of the cakebakescent, of course...) and instead of riding the bike up to the top of Emil mountain; I'll but the bike on the rolls and bike on the porch. I got very wet yesterday while hiking with Mr. Sattmann. (that was the lunchrain - short, but very wet!) Don't need it two days in row.
Next week we have hope of sunny, dry summerweather. Hayingweather!!!! In that case: YIPEEEE!!!! Because after haying is Scotland on the programm! YIPPEEEEE! in that case....

The white one's new, andalucian style, "headset"

Glas Midsommar!!!!  everybody out there :-)


Postat av: Tuttan

Looked up Fronleichnahm in Wikipedia, but still don't really understand what it's all about.

2011-06-23 @ 12:59:39
Postat av: Limi

The horese has a cow eye...

2011-06-23 @ 20:10:41
Postat av: Tuttan

Then it is a cow-horse! Of course :-)

2011-06-24 @ 18:33:37

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