
I had to look it up, but only how to spell it - the name of the upcoming loooong weekend. In am. engl. pentecost. While writing the blogg in english I found how many words and expression I don't know or forgot. I rememberd "whitsunday" from school, but not the spelling.
Well, I'm kind of in a hurry. I intend to spend the with Julia, watching some innocent, funny, nice lovestory on television. We're alone at home; Niki just left for nightduty at the Red Cross and Emil is gone with a bunch of other Schmiedener guys to look at a woodchopping machine. The farmer community of Schmieden intend to buy a real BIG one.

Good night, Niki!

I love my kitchen! I don't necessarily love to cook, but to make it more funny I bought this yellow frying pan yesterday. You don't need any kind of fat for fry anything, we were told. But if anybody (except me) ever tried to make a wiener schnitzel without oil, you'll find out that it tastes like NOTHING! It works, yes, with a few drops of water, but it's not really tasty. So I made the rest, with FAT. But it works just fine with pancakes, I found out yesterday.



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