It's raining. Like it usually does in the summertime....
Just got back from delivering JuNi in Innsbruck. Actually they deliver themselves, while I sleep in the backseat, I only take the car back home. I like the extra hour of daylight that we'we got for the next 7 months.
Just got back from delivering JuNi in Innsbruck. Actually they deliver themselves, while I sleep in the backseat, I only take the car back home. I like the extra hour of daylight that we'we got for the next 7 months.
Waffelday March 25
Today is Maria Bebadelse, traditonal day to eat waffels, in Sweden. And in Schmieden (Swieden). But we will postpone it untill tomorrow, because it got to late today, as I went to Innsbruck (24°!!!!!!) this afternoon to pick up JuNi. And for tomorrow we are promised some chilly rainweater, more suitable for waffles, than sunshine and blue skyes.
This winterseason is finally coming to an end. Tormorrow will probably be my last day. This week I was the only teacher on the slope, with four little boys. Today we even made a race with loudspeakers and the whole tra-ra. We had a lovely and warm week and you can literally watch the snow disappear. Vaporizing. And different springflowers grow. The pists are still in good shape, though, but the cross country skis, you better put in the cellar and instead take out the good bike.
OgrandPA is going into hospital on sunday and have his surgery. I'll take the oppurtunity and make same severe springcleaning in his livingroom, coming week.
Yesterday I placed out all of what I could find of easterdecoration - eggs, roosters, rabbits and that stuff. I like these seasonal decorationtraditions :-)

The king of Swieden!
This winterseason is finally coming to an end. Tormorrow will probably be my last day. This week I was the only teacher on the slope, with four little boys. Today we even made a race with loudspeakers and the whole tra-ra. We had a lovely and warm week and you can literally watch the snow disappear. Vaporizing. And different springflowers grow. The pists are still in good shape, though, but the cross country skis, you better put in the cellar and instead take out the good bike.
OgrandPA is going into hospital on sunday and have his surgery. I'll take the oppurtunity and make same severe springcleaning in his livingroom, coming week.
Yesterday I placed out all of what I could find of easterdecoration - eggs, roosters, rabbits and that stuff. I like these seasonal decorationtraditions :-)

The king of Swieden!

I just talked to Uffe on the phone. He told me it's freezing cold and snowing in Sweden. In Budapest it's nasty and rugged and the spring doesn't seem to be what it normally is. Here, in paradise, Schmieden/Tannheim/Tirol everything is just wonderful :-) We had sun and blue sky for weeks - first cold, then warm. Yesterday was rainy, for a change (doesn't stop the skiinstructors!) and today was quite alright again. The snow is melting and the flowers popping out. But the skipists are still alright, thanks to snowman Frosty. It's sooooo normal and peaceful that you almost get scared, if you look around the world! I often feel like living in one of those family-disney-sundayafternoon-productions. Julia and Niki still seem to enjoy it aswell, here in paradise, with their animals. At least weekends and holidays.................
Grandpa Opa came home from hospital yesterday. He seemed quite content. I think he liked the company of the other elder gentlemen in the room and the caretaking nice nurses. (Not only that bitch of a daughter in law.....) Now he's busy with his cows, of course, and ordering new clothes from the catalogue and he wants a cell-phone. All the other guys had one! With BIG buttons! March 28 he's got to go to hospital again, for 2 weeks or so, to have his surgery. He's been promised the same bed again, he told me, and the nurses will have it prepared for him when he comes, oh yes. I wonder if he realizes that he will have other roommates, when he returns?!
Now I have to have a look upstairs. Emil bought himself a new TV-chair to day at IKEA, assisted by Julia. "Poäng".
With footpart and two extra sheepfleece. I hear, they've lost a screw :-) Apropos screw; I'll hopefully get unscrewed on april 5, in the private clinic, where they send you back home the same day. Unless my private insurance refuses to pay - then it'll take a little longer and I'll have it done in Reutte.

Drip - drop,
- spring is on its way. This time the real spring! Although I'm convinced it will snow a lot, when nobody want it to, anymore. That's normal. But right now days are getting longer and warmer, little flowers are popping out here and there, birds are singing and the horses loose their winter fur....
It's been kind of a turbulent week, with daily 6 hours nonstop on ski, Grandpa Emil (Opa) got was delivered into hospital on Wednesday with prostata problems (couldn't pee). On monday he'll probably come back home and two weeks later he'll probably have a surgery. With emphasis on probably.
Pontiac had to get a toth removed thursday evening. Broke and dead. The tooth!!! The dog was asleep. Had a nice chat with the vet, as he was sawing and pulling. I can remember that was done to me too, ages ago, only with the difference that I wasn't happy asleep and unknowing what was happening to me, instead I could hear that sawing and wrenchig and a nurse had to hold me head as the dentist was working.....
Emil has to milk the cows morning and evening, and do all the barn work, so, early mornings and loooong days. Julia and Niki don't come home until Friday, now, in the springterm, so I have one more HED. Even I start to look forward to the end of the season now. My knee too, it's hurting like hell in the evening. Tuesday I go to Medalp Sports Clinic in Imst and Doctor Schranz, who "mended" it summer 2006, will have a look at it. It's probably a screw, that irritates. Hope he's got a good screwdriver :-) Apropos screwdriver, Niki promised me a drink tonight;
May I introduce -"Bernd, das Brot"
It's been kind of a turbulent week, with daily 6 hours nonstop on ski, Grandpa Emil (Opa) got was delivered into hospital on Wednesday with prostata problems (couldn't pee). On monday he'll probably come back home and two weeks later he'll probably have a surgery. With emphasis on probably.
Pontiac had to get a toth removed thursday evening. Broke and dead. The tooth!!! The dog was asleep. Had a nice chat with the vet, as he was sawing and pulling. I can remember that was done to me too, ages ago, only with the difference that I wasn't happy asleep and unknowing what was happening to me, instead I could hear that sawing and wrenchig and a nurse had to hold me head as the dentist was working.....
Emil has to milk the cows morning and evening, and do all the barn work, so, early mornings and loooong days. Julia and Niki don't come home until Friday, now, in the springterm, so I have one more HED. Even I start to look forward to the end of the season now. My knee too, it's hurting like hell in the evening. Tuesday I go to Medalp Sports Clinic in Imst and Doctor Schranz, who "mended" it summer 2006, will have a look at it. It's probably a screw, that irritates. Hope he's got a good screwdriver :-) Apropos screwdriver, Niki promised me a drink tonight;

Thursday I had my hair done:
Friday night I got rid of some calories by going up a mountain. Actually a skislope. Then I skied down and had a pizza and a beer, to fill up the reserves again :-)
Julia was excused, as she was in Innsbruck.
Still March

Julia against the morningsky.
She stood on the roof of the sheephouse to take that picture of me, the dog and the track my romantic hubby Frosty made in the snow, and as she stood there I thought I might as well take a picture of her :-)
And then I thought I might as well take one of our kitchenwindowviewmountains, from behind the house, for a change.

At last it's March! We had Marchweather almost all of February, but now. at last, the weather suits to the month - i.e. sunny and rather warm days and slightly frosty nights, birds singing and snow drip-dropping. Mornings are icy, so spikes are good:

I'm doing what I've been doing all winter long -teach ski 7 days a week. That's good so! Because the winterseason is short this year, skiarea closes up on April 3 and so will skischool. Of course!!!! This all due to late eastern.
Niki went back to school yesterday, monday. Julia got another week without lectures but is learning hard. Has a chemistry test saturday. So on Friday Julia drives to Innsbruck and Niki drives home, for the weekend. Julia stays in town. Back to normal, so to say.

Look what I found this morning, as I took the dog for a little walk in the field behind the house.
That's how a true
snowman shows his love :-)


I'm doing what I've been doing all winter long -teach ski 7 days a week. That's good so! Because the winterseason is short this year, skiarea closes up on April 3 and so will skischool. Of course!!!! This all due to late eastern.
Niki went back to school yesterday, monday. Julia got another week without lectures but is learning hard. Has a chemistry test saturday. So on Friday Julia drives to Innsbruck and Niki drives home, for the weekend. Julia stays in town. Back to normal, so to say.

Look what I found this morning, as I took the dog for a little walk in the field behind the house.
That's how a true
snowman shows his love :-)