
I just talked to Uffe on the phone. He told me it's freezing cold and snowing in Sweden. In Budapest it's nasty and rugged and the spring doesn't seem to be what it normally is. Here, in paradise, Schmieden/Tannheim/Tirol everything is just wonderful :-) We had sun and blue sky for weeks - first cold, then warm. Yesterday was rainy, for a change (doesn't stop the skiinstructors!) and today was quite alright again. The snow is melting and the flowers popping out. But the skipists are still alright, thanks to snowman Frosty. It's sooooo normal and peaceful that you almost get scared, if you look around the world! I often feel like living in one of those family-disney-sundayafternoon-productions. Julia and Niki still seem to enjoy it aswell, here in paradise, with their animals. At least weekends and holidays.................
Grandpa Opa came home from hospital yesterday. He seemed quite content. I think he liked the company of the other elder gentlemen in the room and the caretaking nice nurses. (Not only that bitch of a daughter in law.....) Now he's busy with his cows, of course, and ordering new clothes from the catalogue and he wants a cell-phone. All the other guys had one! With BIG buttons! March 28 he's got to go to hospital again, for 2 weeks or so, to have his surgery. He's been promised the same bed again, he told me, and the nurses will have it prepared for him when he comes, oh yes. I wonder if he realizes that he will have other roommates, when he returns?!
Now I have to have a look upstairs. Emil bought himself a new TV-chair to day at IKEA, assisted by Julia. "Poäng".
With footpart and two extra sheepfleece. I hear, they've lost a screw :-) Apropos screw; I'll hopefully get unscrewed on april 5, in the private clinic, where they send you back home the same day. Unless my private insurance refuses to pay - then it'll take a little longer and I'll have it done in Reutte.

Postat av: Limi
I guess you have a nice life up there in Paradise, far away from the real worlds reality... :-)