...... WAX 14 pairs of skis...... -of course!!!!!
I associate spring with the swedish translation:RUN! You want to get rid of the winter, for example was the 14 pairs of ski we have altogether, before storing them on the attic for the summer. Then I saw the chaos on the attic, so I had to clean up, throw some things away and now i's so neat and tidy that I probably won't find a thing, when I need it. That mostly happens when I clean up...... Then I mowed the lawn (after the horse mowed it a couple of times), planted flowers on the balconies, rhubarb in the garden, ironed until I saw the bottom of the basket (which I haven't for a looooong time) and at the same time a managed to get some tan on my backside :-) And two more lambs were delivered (no - not by UPS!), black ones, a boy and a girl. And as the weather has been mostly more like summer Emil and I had an "after-work-beer" together, watchin the sun disappear behind the mountains, instead of going inside and sit a the computer. And then I just HAD to go for a ride now and then, with the bike, with the horse - so as you understand I've been very busy. And all the daily chores not mentioned, of course, because that would be boring. What's definitely not daily for me, is to produce a birthday cake. Niki had his 20th anniversary on tuesday, but then he was in Innsbruck, so we had the cake this afternoon. Friday. I'm still feeling a bit sick; moccabuttercream. It was surprisingly good!

The cake. We came to the conclusion that this would be the last cake with candles. Many candles, at least.

Unpacking his third book and still smiling.....

Lamb number 2. Number 3 looks just the same, only smaller.
And yes, we had the sheep sheared as well, last week. That's spring; you do a lot of things, that you only can, or want to, do exactly this time of year. It's a fast season. And I almost forgot, we've put up lot of fences. And painted a little on the house. And cleaned all the windows. I waited until we got some more snow that cleaned the air from pollen. Made everything green and yellow, out there. Pollution!?

Short winterintermezzo about 10 days ago. "Our lake" - Vilsalpsee.
Now we have summer again, althoug it's raining, but rain belongs to a green summer.

The cake. We came to the conclusion that this would be the last cake with candles. Many candles, at least.

Unpacking his third book and still smiling.....

Lamb number 2. Number 3 looks just the same, only smaller.
And yes, we had the sheep sheared as well, last week. That's spring; you do a lot of things, that you only can, or want to, do exactly this time of year. It's a fast season. And I almost forgot, we've put up lot of fences. And painted a little on the house. And cleaned all the windows. I waited until we got some more snow that cleaned the air from pollen. Made everything green and yellow, out there. Pollution!?

Short winterintermezzo about 10 days ago. "Our lake" - Vilsalpsee.
Now we have summer again, althoug it's raining, but rain belongs to a green summer.
(hope I got it right!?)
Luckily I don't have one! The fear of friday the 13th. Nice word, isn't it?! Niki found it in the newspaper for me. Good son :-) On the contrary, my friday 13th, today, was a very nice day; I went to Innsbruck got pick up JuNi (to bring them the car) and then we went straight to Füssen to have a nice drink in the sun with LINDA!!!!! In fact, it was a top secret intelligence meeting, but don't tell anybody! I was undercover, dressed as a 52 years old female in a severe midlifecrisis; JuNi found my new trousers embarrasing, Linda spontanously said the looked good. Maybe she was only polite...... (but - thanks, Linda). She said, she was used to that look from her father..............
I better change topic!!!! It's spring. In spring the sheep get babies. Number one (out of expected three) popped out on wednesday.

Still a little bit shy, hiding behind his mum.
About stations
Some people have weatherstations,

more or less high-tech, and so do we.
Our is definitively less, but we got it delivered for free, with our new farm GAS-STATION. "Jeen's Tanke" Very popular in the rural part's of this country :-) And I guess, also in rural parts of other countries with far too high prices for gas and diesel. We had it filled up today. 1000 litres. Haven't seen the bill yet, though............

more or less high-tech, and so do we.
Our is definitively less, but we got it delivered for free, with our new farm GAS-STATION. "Jeen's Tanke" Very popular in the rural part's of this country :-) And I guess, also in rural parts of other countries with far too high prices for gas and diesel. We had it filled up today. 1000 litres. Haven't seen the bill yet, though............
A short one
Today is monday. Yesterday was sunday! ( Who could have guessed............?????????) Emil is cured from his cold, and has now changed his krankenstand into urlaub. Holiday, on could say. Working holidays, in Emils case.
Today we went to Kempten and bought an electric bike for Emil senior. E-bike. Very popular. Then we bought a birthday gift for Niki. (You can never guess what, Niki!)( But it is NOT a Corvette Stingray!)
The weather is so la la. Still too cold for flowers on the balcony. My knee is getting better day by day. Train 3 x a week in "Pete Peppers" gym. And at home. And with my bike. Is fun!
(The family in Munich, the other week)
And I fight to get rid of 2 kilos surplus....... Grrrrrrrr!!!