About stations
Some people have weatherstations,

more or less high-tech, and so do we.
Our is definitively less, but we got it delivered for free, with our new farm GAS-STATION. "Jeen's Tanke" Very popular in the rural part's of this country :-) And I guess, also in rural parts of other countries with far too high prices for gas and diesel. We had it filled up today. 1000 litres. Haven't seen the bill yet, though............

more or less high-tech, and so do we.
Our is definitively less, but we got it delivered for free, with our new farm GAS-STATION. "Jeen's Tanke" Very popular in the rural part's of this country :-) And I guess, also in rural parts of other countries with far too high prices for gas and diesel. We had it filled up today. 1000 litres. Haven't seen the bill yet, though............
Postat av: Limi
I guess it'f filled up with heating oil for the house... :-))
Postat av: Linda
hahaha, en till vaderstation??? :)
Postat av: Limi
är det vita gallerschabraket i bakgrunden själva regnmätaren? Eller mäter den koldioxidhalten i luften?