
Am I the only person in the world that doesn't like jeans with stretch?If there had been more of us, shouldn't there be some Levis without stretch somewhere? I just tried to fix my most loved, and only, pair. With  a sticky textilepatch to iron on. Usually I sew. Zick-zack. I love those jeans, because they are not already bought "used", they ARE used. And bleached, all by my little self, throughout the years. That's the way real jeans should be!
I vote for the revival of strechless jeans!!!!!!!
Tomorrow we are going to Innsbruck. Early. Have to be there at 8 o'clock in the morning, for my yearly medical check-up. See how many % of the expected performance I achieve at the spiro-ergometer. Last time we stopped at 175%. I want to blast the 200% limit, but the doc won't let me. Says she ge depressed by letting me continue..... :-) Emil and Pontiac are going to check out Stubaital, meanwhile. Then we meet Julia at the Christmasmarket. They have warm eggnogg there. Yum-yum! Later we meet Niki too. Julia has promised to drive home. Good child - isn't fond of alcohol.

Postat av: M

Good luck for tmrw at docs! And enjoy the xmas market, im sure it's wonderful even without snow. like in Budapest. i love xmas market, this year they've got so extra pretty tree decorations here that its hard to notice THE xmas tree itself in the middle of it... :D and i vote for stretchy jeans! Stretchier the better! :D

2011-11-30 @ 20:51:17

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