
November 11th is a "traditionday" here in the valley. Martins day. Martini, as they call it here, what would get most people to associate with something else. I guess :-) And it's the day many people eat roast goose. Fat! We'll have a tiny duck on Sunday. But was this day means to us, is a gathering, in front of the Martin Chappel, where all (at least very many) horses come every year, to get blessed. For me it has no religious meaning - only traditional. I'm fond of traditions. Same procedure as every year. If rain or storm or snow. Or sunshine, like today. But it has turned cold. The sunshine is only warming if you sit tight to the housewall at lunchtime.

Julia rode, Pia (a girl from the neighbourhood) rode.
Pontiac, Sidney (mule) and I walked. 
At home we had tea and warm bagels. As every year.


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