I continue
Half of my last entry got lost. Grrrrr! I had just written about my second birthdaymountain, Litnis, and tried to complete with a picture - then; PUFF! Now I'll give it another try:

If the dog can do, so can I.

This was Wednesday, 10 days ago. That means today is the 22nd. In those ten day we got more snow, it has turned a lot colder, all the leaves are off the trees, I have got the varnish off all three doors, we've torn out the carpet (at last!) in our bedroom, scraping off glue (puh!) and next weekend, or so, a friend of ours will come and put in a new one. Before I will paint the walls. White, again, as we have a lot of wood in the bedroom. When that's ready, I'll try to free the doorframes too, from that dark varnish. So we keep busy. Emil was on "holiday" this week. Working holiday. At home. Brought in a lot of firewood, so now we are prepared for the winter. We managed one more hikingday. A half one. More an extended walk with the dog, crossing over Hahnenkamm, from Höfen to Wängle. And of course we took the cable car up :-) There is a new one in Höfen, that Emil had to check out on. Well, not THAT new anymore - almost one year now.
Julia and Niki is home over the weekend, as usual. I have been baking and cooking almost all day, I have the feeling. Promised the youngsters bananabread, so I thought as I have the oven heated anyhow, I might as well make a pizza and breakfeastcrackers as well.
Yesterday evening we were invited to friends 60th birthday. Friend who gets 60! That sounds real old..... But the man doesn't look that old at all - nice guy. Horseguy. Do horses keep you young?
It's getting dark, have to take Pontiac for a little walk and put a candle in the pumpkin and light the lantern in the tree.

If the dog can do, so can I.

This was Wednesday, 10 days ago. That means today is the 22nd. In those ten day we got more snow, it has turned a lot colder, all the leaves are off the trees, I have got the varnish off all three doors, we've torn out the carpet (at last!) in our bedroom, scraping off glue (puh!) and next weekend, or so, a friend of ours will come and put in a new one. Before I will paint the walls. White, again, as we have a lot of wood in the bedroom. When that's ready, I'll try to free the doorframes too, from that dark varnish. So we keep busy. Emil was on "holiday" this week. Working holiday. At home. Brought in a lot of firewood, so now we are prepared for the winter. We managed one more hikingday. A half one. More an extended walk with the dog, crossing over Hahnenkamm, from Höfen to Wängle. And of course we took the cable car up :-) There is a new one in Höfen, that Emil had to check out on. Well, not THAT new anymore - almost one year now.
Julia and Niki is home over the weekend, as usual. I have been baking and cooking almost all day, I have the feeling. Promised the youngsters bananabread, so I thought as I have the oven heated anyhow, I might as well make a pizza and breakfeastcrackers as well.
Yesterday evening we were invited to friends 60th birthday. Friend who gets 60! That sounds real old..... But the man doesn't look that old at all - nice guy. Horseguy. Do horses keep you young?
It's getting dark, have to take Pontiac for a little walk and put a candle in the pumpkin and light the lantern in the tree.
Postat av: Limi
the last climb for the year i guess?? Looks a little dangerous though...