Last weekend....

.... Emil did some gardening. Halleluja!

And now we're already having weekend again! A very looooong weekend, indeed. From tomorrow off just until the 2nd of November. Or the 3ed. At least Niki. Julia has a clausur on Thursday and lectures on monday.Tomorrow is national holiday in Austria. That is, tomorrow wednesday, turns into sunday. Today, tuesday turned into friday, regarding traffic. I went to Innsbruck to bring JuNi home. So much traffic. Where is everybody going?????? They should all stay at home, instead of polluting the air!!!!!! I mean "the others", of course:-)
Anyhow, as we came home, tonight, the bedroom carpet had been laid. The carpetguy called around 5 o'clock, telling he's got our carpet on the carroof. Are you at home? I said no - call Emil. He did. At last, I have my new bedroomcarpet!!! Hurra!!!!!

Postat av: M

Oi, Emil is so tall! How did he get up there? And down? :D

And what do you do with all those free days??? Gardening? Skiing? Halloweening?

2011-10-27 @ 22:55:59
Postat av: Limi

det ser lite lagom livsfarligt ut detdär. Ska ni använda toppen till julgran??

2011-10-29 @ 18:11:19
Postat av: Tuttan

Nä, dörrkrans.

2011-11-09 @ 19:45:36

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