Tired legs
Puh. Today, sunday, was the third day in row, that my legs had to do hard work. Emil and I and friends rode up the Breitenberg (just round the corner) with the mountainbikes, this morning. Niki went somewhere else, on his own - he thought we would be too slow, but I had the feeling we went on quite well. Took us 1 hour up, 750, or so, altimeters. Julia was happy she had to look after the vet dogs - took them for a walk around the lake, instead. Yesterday we all together (except Emil, who worked) (one of us has to earn money!!!) took the dogs for a nice mountain walk. A loooong beautyful hikingtour. Up is not a problem, but down is tiresome.

Geisshorn in the background. The highest peak around here. 2249 m.

Unexpectedly I found some very nice mushrooms. At least nice looking. Cleaning them, today, I found out that they all had extra protein. Nasty little worms, unvisible at the outside. As we all prefer other sources for protein, about 80 % landed in the waste. But the remaining 20 % were very tasty. Unfortunately indeed only to taste, as the whole mushroomharvest was only about one kilo from beginning. But it was nice finding them :-) Usually I never find mushrooms - except these beautyful red ones with white dots.....
Saturday was also the day the sheep came home from the mountainpasture. Not our sheep, they are around all summer long - other peoples sheep. Huge ugly white sheep, out of some are made the most excellent sausages, or hot dogs. Or better - hot sheep. So saturday night we had the same programme as with the cows, on wednesday; tent, music, beer and sausages. But in smaller and not until so late.
Friday was the day I did my very best to beat my record in alpine walking ( or speed hiking...). I did beat my self by two minutes: 38 minutes. Maybe even a little less. But only maybe, so I'm not sure if I did beat my contrahent Bertram. But on the other hand he is much taller than me an younger, so I will leave him in the believe he is faster than me. I doubt I could make it faster, I think my legs reached their physical limit in fastmoving and longstepping. Hui!
Tomorrow I'll take it easy, cooking for the family (Emil has monday off), ironing and maybe do some gardening. JuNi and I are harvesting weed. So we hopefully can harvest some more edible things next year. (We had the potato crop for lunch today....) Niki has decided I shall extend the vegetablegarden with the double, so he has been digging like a mole, last week, and together we've tried to produce nice black good earth. So, sometimes I really do efforts to be a good housewife. The motherstuff is easier and more fun, but householding and gardening and cooking and that kind of stuff is not really my thing. But as it is part of it and makes me feel good I always do my very best :-) And I reckon I haven't been THAT bad, throughout the years, because tomorrow is Emils and mine 24th wedding anniversary! Or was it today? We're never quite sure wich day counts, as we needed two day to get married as we wanted to do it properly. Seem to have paid off :-)

Geisshorn in the background. The highest peak around here. 2249 m.

Unexpectedly I found some very nice mushrooms. At least nice looking. Cleaning them, today, I found out that they all had extra protein. Nasty little worms, unvisible at the outside. As we all prefer other sources for protein, about 80 % landed in the waste. But the remaining 20 % were very tasty. Unfortunately indeed only to taste, as the whole mushroomharvest was only about one kilo from beginning. But it was nice finding them :-) Usually I never find mushrooms - except these beautyful red ones with white dots.....
Saturday was also the day the sheep came home from the mountainpasture. Not our sheep, they are around all summer long - other peoples sheep. Huge ugly white sheep, out of some are made the most excellent sausages, or hot dogs. Or better - hot sheep. So saturday night we had the same programme as with the cows, on wednesday; tent, music, beer and sausages. But in smaller and not until so late.
Friday was the day I did my very best to beat my record in alpine walking ( or speed hiking...). I did beat my self by two minutes: 38 minutes. Maybe even a little less. But only maybe, so I'm not sure if I did beat my contrahent Bertram. But on the other hand he is much taller than me an younger, so I will leave him in the believe he is faster than me. I doubt I could make it faster, I think my legs reached their physical limit in fastmoving and longstepping. Hui!
Tomorrow I'll take it easy, cooking for the family (Emil has monday off), ironing and maybe do some gardening. JuNi and I are harvesting weed. So we hopefully can harvest some more edible things next year. (We had the potato crop for lunch today....) Niki has decided I shall extend the vegetablegarden with the double, so he has been digging like a mole, last week, and together we've tried to produce nice black good earth. So, sometimes I really do efforts to be a good housewife. The motherstuff is easier and more fun, but householding and gardening and cooking and that kind of stuff is not really my thing. But as it is part of it and makes me feel good I always do my very best :-) And I reckon I haven't been THAT bad, throughout the years, because tomorrow is Emils and mine 24th wedding anniversary! Or was it today? We're never quite sure wich day counts, as we needed two day to get married as we wanted to do it properly. Seem to have paid off :-)
Postat av: Limi
you definately would need a Nike plus sportswatch...
Postat av: M
Happy anniversary!!! Next year the silver one already! (if those funny looking mushrooms, i mean the worm-free 20% of them, were poisonless enough to survive... À bit worried now as there is no fresh entries in your blogg after those mushrooms :D)
Postat av: Marge
Happy birthday, Tuttan!!! :-) wish you à pair of very tired feet coupled up with amazing snowy topmountain views and bottle of nice red! Cheers to lovely you! :)