Since my last insert our valley turned white. About half a meter. And it's still snowing. This afternoon we went for a ride, or rather a walk on horseback, through the forest It was me and Julia, Pontiac, three horses and the mule. It was so calm, no noisy tourist, no traffic - like in a winter fairy, the trees covered in snow, some branches bent to the ground.
Now it's evening, it's warm and cosy in the house, Julia and I just made a gingerbreaddow. The cook-book says it should rest in a cold place over night, and if the cook-book say so......... :-)
SchneEmil, the snowman, is out there in the night making some extra snow, 'cause they need a lot of that white stuff for the skiers, next weekend.
Julia and I have cosy reading evening, waiting for schneEmil. This is what I call advent!
This is Sidney, "our" mule. Snowfotos will follow tomorrow. This is only that it doesn't look so empty.....

Postat av: Limi
Seems it will be a real winter this year. At least a good start... :-)