Now, in the evening, the sky is clear, the sky is filled with (visible!) stars. Julia and I finished gingerbreadbakery part one. After that we got hungry and had some of our new Serranoham and a beer.
Earlier today I went for a small ride with Norka (the old little brown one). Julia went for a real ride with Hombre ( the wooly "white" spanish one ), For lunch I cooked a Gulasch ( in Emmas old huge yellow ironpan), the I checked all the little lightbulbs of the electric candles for the windows. Now I feel very content, will grab my book and read a chapter or two - or three or four......... SchneEmil is already asleep - he came home around 9 pm, had some of the good ham. He put the alarm on 2 am, to get out in the cold night and check on the snowmachines, to nock off ice.
And I may stay in my warm bed :-)