Same cold ol' weather

Wouldn't mind a weather-change!

Last week was busy. Did a lot of ski-teaching, including a lot of feet-freezing. Tannheim has been mentioned at least three times, lately, in radio Ö3, as coldest settlement in Austria. We're famous, Wo-hooooo!!! Schmieden is a little higher up than central Tannheim, and off the river, so we had only around -23 to -24°, at the weatherstation down to -28°, according to the radio-news. But it's getting warmer. Wednesday. Then we get covered up with warming snow-clouds. Guess that means more snow for Pontiacs drive-way look-out. His favourite spot.

Well, the dishwasher-reanimation failed, so the old one is now history. Where it stood is now a gap, waiting for the new one to get delivered. Neff again. One frozen pipe thawed up, another bursted. Luckily in the workshop, where we store firewood, so Emil didn't have to tear down any walls...... - but this morning one of the pipes frooze again and we don't know exactly where :-(
Friday was kind of funny; that was the day I decided to have our neighbourhood-afternoon-party (the swedish word KALAS is the most suitable word I know. English version? Please comment!) as I thought everybody would be at home and have time. It turned out that Emil was the only one at home, but he didn't really have time to make coffee and serve cakes (and wine and schnaps and beer and......) as he was rather occupied with mending the broken pipe. Julia had to go to Innsbruck for an exam, Niki taught cross-country skiing, I absolved my 7 hours-day. Thanks to my foreseeing good preparation and Emil's efforts (later on also Julia's and Niki's) everybody got to drink and eat. As I came home, at last, everybody was happy and I only had to sit down and enjoy (and clean up the mess.....)
Tomorrow Julia too will go to work in the skischool (in Innsbruck JuNi give plasma to earn money, at home they have to work.....), so we're all busy.  The night is clear = it's getting COLD again, but I keep the faucet ( I learn!) running in Emmas bathroom to prevent more frozen pipes.
Since the last insert we've been up to Hubertushütte, for the saturdaynightbeer, twice, with the randonnéeskis. That has to be mentioned!

 ... sunday morning you can make out the last turns before landing at the kitchen door. Fabulous!

Postat av: Linda

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???!! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

2012-02-13 @ 08:41:08
Postat av: Limil

the last turns outside the house looks more appealing than the thermometer... :-))

2012-02-13 @ 10:31:08

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