Still cold
Icy temperatures are good for defrosting a deepfreezer. Done!
Icy temperatures are just perfect - and necessary - for icelaterns.

If you put egg- or foodcolor in the water you can make fancy ones in green, pink, blue - or what you like. But that's nothing for us here in the mountains. But for the city, maybe......
Icy temperatures make the best decorations you can imagine

Unfortunately they also make the water freeze :-( The well, where the horses normally drink all winter, is frozen. The fosset in Emmas bathroom aswell. Hopefully not very much. Hopefully the water will run tomorrow morning again - I put in a mobile heater in the bathroom and now it's as warm as in a sauna. Almost.
The dishwasher is not frozen. Only old. And broke. We spent friday evening trying to reanimate it. In vain! Luckily we have a spare little dishwasher until we get a new one downstairs in the kitchen.
Schneeemil has been snowing like mad, the last two nights, but I think he thinks it's enough now. Maybe.
Icy temperatures are just perfect - and necessary - for icelaterns.

If you put egg- or foodcolor in the water you can make fancy ones in green, pink, blue - or what you like. But that's nothing for us here in the mountains. But for the city, maybe......
Icy temperatures make the best decorations you can imagine

Unfortunately they also make the water freeze :-( The well, where the horses normally drink all winter, is frozen. The fosset in Emmas bathroom aswell. Hopefully not very much. Hopefully the water will run tomorrow morning again - I put in a mobile heater in the bathroom and now it's as warm as in a sauna. Almost.
The dishwasher is not frozen. Only old. And broke. We spent friday evening trying to reanimate it. In vain! Luckily we have a spare little dishwasher until we get a new one downstairs in the kitchen.
Schneeemil has been snowing like mad, the last two nights, but I think he thinks it's enough now. Maybe.
Postat av: Limil
The frost looks nice, and we're impressed by your latern. We will do one tonight.
Your spelling however makes your old english teacher turn in her grave (if she's dead - hope she is...) deepfreezer, icelaterns, foodcolor, well, fosset, aswell, friday...
sigh... :-)
Postat av: Tuttan
Oh no, the only REAL bad fault is the fosset; should be PIPE. And maybe the latern ought to be a lantern. And all the other words with "-" Who found the mistakes. Marleen, I guess :-)))))) You should let her read your entries before you make them official!